
Given the way things have been going in general, bringing back company towns seems like the next logical step.

Not the hero we need, etc.

The Chinese actress in Skull Island (Jing Tian) is pretty much hated in China, so keeping her mostly silent and in the background was probably a smart move on their part. She came out of nowhere to land the leading role in a huge period epic when she was still in college, and the prevailing assumption is that she owes

Nobody ever calls them "Ewoks" even once in Return of the Jedi.

This article from 2012 seems to imply that the only EC property Warner owns is Mad:

Even in this era of peak TV, I'd be surprised if they could get David Cronenberg to come back

He came to China last year to promote the local release of Allied on November 30th. Before that Fury, Happy Feet 2, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Troy, and (bizarrely enough) Babel were released in Chinese theaters. The ban on entering the country may well have lasted until 2014 (when he accompanied Jolie on her PR tour for Male

What does "persona non grata in PRC theaters" mean? They won't sell him a ticket?

Stretch was directed by a guy who produces Apichatpong Weerasethakul's movies, but you'd never guess it. It's a soporifically low-key thriller revolving around the exciting world of Macau horse-racing, filmed entirely in Thailand outside of a few establishing shots and with almost all the dialogue in English even

It was hilariously bad. It was all shot in a barren office building by what was obviously a totally different crew that made no effort to match the look of their scenes to the other 99% of the movie. They didn't even bother including the scenes on the Chinese Blu-ray.

The Criterion laserdisc had this feature where you could use the "program" function of your player to edit together a scene from various alternate takes. Some genius decided to use the scene where Harker bids farewell to Mina, so you get to hear Reeves' priceless delivery of the line "I must dash" in four or five

This week I caught up with The Summer Is Gone, which seems to be the hot new Chinese festival movie. It's in the autobiographical coming-of-age mode, with a barely disguised 12-year-old surrogate for the director whiling away his last summer before middle school, remaining cheerfully unaware—or, ambiguously,

Going by Of Time and the City, I suspect Davies hates basically all pop culture since the 1940s. Whatever, he's still great.

They want you to buy a Switch or a 3DS and spend $4-5 a pop for NES games on the Virtual Console. I mean, anything's possible, but I'm 99% convinced this was a one-off so they'd have some new hotness for Christmas 2016, since the Switch wasn't ready and the New 3DS was well over a year old. In which case we wouldn't

Wrath of Khan is the one where Kirk never meets the heavy face to face (though they have scenes together through remote communication). In Search for Spock they end up duking it out while the Genesis planet falls apart around them.

When I go to the movies these days I have about a 50/50 chance of being seated next to someone who will spend part of the film cracking their knuckles. If the Democrats want to win more elections they should promise to make this a pretext for justifiable homicide.

You mean the death stick butts