
Man oh man, do I hate them Fancy Santas.

Fingers crossed they get Neil Hamburger for the Red Hot Chili Peppers induction

Off on a wild tangent here, but I just learned yesterday that there was a Plan 9 computer game in the early '90s in which Lugosi's body double steals the negatives with the intention of removing Lugosi and including more footage of himself. It's probably an awful game, but they get points for novelty.

The "start in media res, no origin story" thing is straight out of Burton's Batman

Morbius was one of the dozen-odd characters that Artisan licensed from Marvel in 2000, along with Captain America, Thor, Deadpool, Black Panther, and of course everyone's favorite, Mort the Dead Teenager. That makes me wonder if part of the reason they changed the ending was because New Line decided they didn't want

There's a notorious unmade script called The Sky Is Falling about a couple of priests who learn that God is literally dead and respond to the discovery by going on a killing spree. David Fincher was briefly attached to direct way back in the pre-Seven days.

A Hero Never Dies is an odd one. To seems like a very sincere filmmaker—even when he does comedy he tends to avoid irony or parody—but the last act is so over the top that if it were any other director I would assume they were taking the piss out of Woo-style heroic bloodshed. (And yeah, The Longest Nite is great,

I love Knock Off. It's not as wild as Double Team, but it's got Tsui using that Hollywood cheddar to go nuts with CGI and toss around green explosions, an X-ray view of Van Damme's sneakers coming apart while pulling Rob Schneider on a rickshaw, and a shot of Schneider at a urinal in which the camera approaches him

I'm sure this isn't the reason, but I prefer to think it's because they run a cable channel called "Vice" that cuts movies like Blue Velvet to PG-13 standards while FX is dropping F-bombs on a regular basis.

They were called "go-fast boats" in the Miami Vice movie, which I'd never heard before. I looked it up and couldn't believe people actually use that term in real life. "Cigarette boat" at least doesn't sound like something a five-year-old would come up with.

They probably figured, rightly or wrongly, that "President Schwarzenegger" is funnier than "President Fictional Schwarzenegger-Like Character," or that the movie might draw in more casual viewers who didn't know who Wolfcastle was (though a better solution in that case would've been to use Wolfcastle and just refer to

My dad likes to talk about how Ghoulardi made "Surfin' Bird" a favorite around his elementary school until the uptight squares who ran the place banned it from the premises.

There was talk of tying it into the shared universe, but they eventually dropped the idea. The Mummy is the "official" launch. Weirdly they haven't announced a standalone Dracula movie as part of the shared universe, but I'm sure he'll figure in the Van Helsing reboot.

And the entire series (minus the Christmas special) is on Hulu, which is a bit of a surprise.

I don't even find the ending of Blackadder all that bleak. Yeah, it killed all the leads off, but it's also a redemptive ending in how it makes clear that one of the most sociopathic title characters in TV history actually cares about the useless but basically decent idiots he's stuck with, while hating the bad idiots

Bart Simpson is only ten and he already has two.

"Mahoney, we're takin' the criminals down! You got yourself a new kind of partner! We're cleanin' up this town!"
"A new kind of partner? What do you mean?"
"It's a robot police Dumpster!"