
A decision totally vindicated by the higher-than-estimated opening weekend for Power Rangers.

And made a weirdly incongruous appearance in The Dark Knight Rises.

There was a Chinese film a few years ago called Amazing about a programmer's heroic efforts to keep his boss from releasing his new VR game before it's ready, lest it permanently damage the players' brains. This new VR game (which we are repeatedly told is a potential world-changer) is just regular basketball with

1997 was a pretty good year for Hong Kong action, I think. Full Alert is Ringo Lam's last truly great film to date; the plotting and characterization are tight as a drum and the action sequences register less as set pieces than expressionistic outbursts. (There's a perceptive review on Letterboxd that likens it to

Dragnet went for the ironic/parodic approach all the way back in 1987, roughly in the same manner as the Brady Bunch movies (by transplanting an approximation of the original Friday into a modern setting, though they made clear in the movie it was supposed to be Friday's nephew). Truthfully it's not that much more

My grandma made PB&J sandwiches with this great bread that was apparently sold only in some Midwest grocery chain and I could never find anything as good where we lived. Now she's gone and I don't even know what bread she used and I will never again know the taste of the perfect PB&J sandwich :(

Lucas Brothers: On Drugs

This is true insomuch as Donald Trump seems genuinely incapable of enjoying anything.

Joey Ryan just posted this sadly low-quality video of "Trump" at a DDT live show doing a lot of the same stuff he did in the press conference, but also explaining that "ANAL" is an acronym for "ALL NATIONS ANAL LOVE" and then singing a ditty called "Anal Peace the World" to the tune of "We Are the World":

Is Trump literate enough to notice that the first four letters of "analysis" spell "anal"? A lot of people are asking this question.

Weird as it sounds, he's been trying to do a live-action Pinocchio for ages. He got Disney on board after they launched their big "all of our old cartoons but with REAL PEOPLE" initiative, and Paul Thomas Anderson did a draft of the script. The last anything was heard of it was a year ago when it was set to be

“How did distribution innovate in the movie business in the last 30 years?” Hastings asked during a press Q&A yesterday. “Well, the popcorn tastes better, but that’s about it.”

What happened to their beautiful girl hair?

The list seems to exclude syndicated shows, except for Let's Make a Deal which aired in syndication between two network runs. Game shows pretty frequently made the journey from network to syndication (e.g. The Dating Game, Jeopardy, The Joker's Wild), not to mention other shows that ran simultaneously in both

I have that Japanese baseball T-shirt he wears at some point in the movie. It's pretty easy to find, just search for "Kaoru Betto." The same shirt shows up in The Fisher King (and, apparently, a movie called Cold Feet that I never saw), so I assume it's part of Bridges' actual wardrobe.

It'll be on Netflix on the 27th.

Of all the reasons to criticize Broken Arrow, the CGI is a strange one. There isn't that much of it and it's mostly concentrated at the beginning, in the early flying scenes before the action really gets started. It's a lot less bothersome than, say, the horrible-looking plane crash in Air Force One, which is

The Hitchcock Wiki is a goldmine for this stuff. If you saw the Hitchcock/Truffaut documentary and wanted more than the excerpts there, they've got like twelve hours of them.

Huge Jacked Man

I don't remember being actively irritated by it or anything, it was just forgettable even by the already forgettable standards of latter-day Rogen/Goldberg projects (the controversy is the sole reason it didn't immediately sink into the same memory hole as The Night Before). The only joke I remember: