
Here’s to hoping that Mass Effect Andromeda will help ease the pain, provided that EA doesn’t stain it too much with their grubby, greasy, corporate fingers.

I’m very happy to see Mara Sov is still alive :).

Who cares? It’s still fun, even if it’s different :)

Distance happened.

Dear Entire Town of Dearborn, Kansas,

It’s absolutely silly to get pissy about data-mined objects. Anyone who has seriously played/followed Destiny knows that there are a TON of data-mined items that never appear in the game, going back to the second set of Vault of Glass armor that’s in the data that has obviously never appeared in game. There are

Totally. I’d buy the shit out of destiny books.

This needs to become a book

wait... does this mean shorter elevator rides :)

“ The new person playing the “Vulvatron character” has been announced. “

I genuinely enjoy Destiny and will continue to play.

They do realize that Armin is a girl right.....

Ugh. What a waste of a talented developer. You already have Heroes of the Storm to fill your F2P multiplayer coffers.

  • All games on PC without requiring Origin/EA account.

Better textures in ME1 is certainly a bonus. Here's my personal list, in no particular order: