
I finally know why no one listens to me at work! I’m just too sexy.

No, if you’re being a sexist asshole, you will be labeled a sexist. How is that hard to understand?

To quote the immortal words of Plinkett: “The Star Wars prequels didn’t ruin my childhood. Fucking polio did!”

Every time there’s good news about this sequel I can never find any better way to express my excitement than with this GIF. Can’t wait!

walk into the club like

Here’s to hoping that Mass Effect Andromeda will help ease the pain, provided that EA doesn’t stain it too much with their grubby, greasy, corporate fingers.

I’m very happy to see Mara Sov is still alive :).

Who cares? It’s still fun, even if it’s different :)

Distance happened.

Frankly this could have been an episode centered around anything, even Jar Jar discovering he’s a true Sith lord. I don’t care. Hondo (and Jim Cummings) is back, and all is right with the world.

Brothers of the Broken Horn started with Ezra a bit on the grumpy side...I wasn’t quite sure why he was feeling that way”

Dear Entire Town of Dearborn, Kansas,

It is a YA series, but ... it’s a YA series that originated a long time before YA came to mean what it means now. It predates the first Harry Potter book by 15 years and Twilight and its ilk by much more than that. It does not have the same sensibilities in its story at all. There’s no sex, no really strong language,

Diane recently did a re-edit of the whole series to bring them into the 21st century techwise as some of the early ones were showing their age. You may get on better with them as she’s polished up stuff that she could see, with years more experience as a writer, didn’t work as well as fixed stuff that slips plotwise

It’s absolutely silly to get pissy about data-mined objects. Anyone who has seriously played/followed Destiny knows that there are a TON of data-mined items that never appear in the game, going back to the second set of Vault of Glass armor that’s in the data that has obviously never appeared in game. There are

I always thought that Kardashev scale is a 20th Century artifact, when “civilization” meant damming rivers, razing mountains, and ultimately moving planets. IMO a mature civilization would not be nearly as flamboyant — or energy-hungry, — as Kardashev assumed.

Or energy-wasteful: the notion of looking for Type II or

As always, I find it silly that we are making conclusions that something doesn’t exist or is impossible via telescope observations. To make claims that there are no advanced civilizations is akin to sitting in your living room, looking out the windows, seeing no one and coming to the conclusion that you are the only
