I was pretty excited about DriveTribe when it launched. I created a profile, looked for people to interact with, and got confused by the whole thing.
I was pretty excited about DriveTribe when it launched. I created a profile, looked for people to interact with, and got confused by the whole thing.
Important lessons:
His most successful tunnelling endeavour to date
Crack Pipe, but let me explain:
New ad: “I’m super gorgeous, a 10/10, but I also have herpes. Love, Giulia”
Consumer Reports has one. Apparently it has spent a lot of time at the dealer getting repaired. Which will surprise no one.
I mean this in the nicest way possible...
Here’s what you do, you buy Ninja 250 for $3K, try it out. If you want to move up or don’t like it. Sell it for $2500.
Look I consider myself pretty decent with money and I’ll play the lotto here and there. Do I play every day? No. Not even every week. But the 2-3 times a year when it’s like 300 million plus...sure I’ll get a ticket. I call it a dollar to daydream. I know I’m not going to win, but on the ride home from the convenience…
Not The F8 of the Furious? The SVP of Marketing Puns over at Universal really fucked up this time.
Car Sharing? I don’t think so.
1st. They just couldn’t bring themselves to make a car with windows.
Yup. And as soon as I pop it into neutral and take my foot off the clutch, THAT’S when I get a green.