
Have you re-watched them recently? Kid me whole-heartedly agrees with kid you, but present-day me found Forever to be firmly “meh” and I couldn’t even finish B&R.

Teenage me: Barman Forever RULEZZZ.

Heh, that’s exactly what I was referring to.

You make a really good point, but all these shows have had fairly diverse casts. In addition to your list, James Olsen, Chester P. Runk (who’s been around more than Wally has been lately), Cecile Horton (a meta!), Allegra, etc. To quote Cat Grant in Supergirl S1 “You’re all so diverse and attractive! It’s like the

David Tennant?

I originally read this as “Keanu Reeves teams up with John Constantine”. “Keanu as himself as a hero in the DCU” (in whatever medium) is something that I didn’t know that I needed but now I want

I find Elizabeth Banks to be delightful, so I can’t wait to inevitably watch this with my daughter.

I just started watching, and I thought that Pedro Pascal was doing a great job emoting using just his body language, given the helmet and limited dialogue. I guess that credit goes to somebody else

I was surprised by it, but I was so bored by her story half the time that I probably just wasn’t paying attention

I get HBO Max for free with my cable service. Should I watch Season 1 of this now or sooner?

Or like Jodorowsky’s Dune?

Prince Eric is allegedly only 18

I don’t agree with the “cool as hell” bit, but I did enjoy it (moreso on my “ah, what the hell, I’ll watch it again” second watching). It’s arguably an entertaining film, even if it doesn’t match up with what the vocal folks on the internet think it should have been.

Ah, Turtles in Time. There was a fun 20-25 minutes about once a week during my childhood.

Shh. Most gadget makers have no understanding of engineering 

Thousand Year Door is easily my 4th favorite Mario game (although, I don’t know if I have Super Mario RPG, Super Mario World, and Super Mario Kart ranked way too high due to nostalgia)

The banner image had me briefly seeing Teen Titans Go cosplaying as Star Trek.

They both sound incredibly generic to me.

And this could be another reason why I have no idea what he looks like — I’ve never actually seen any of those movies (although as I’m typing this, maybe Clash?)

I had a friend who was convinced that Sam Worthington was going to be the next big thing because of Avatar.