
Alternate timeline Atticus Finch?

I definitely mis-interpreted the title of this article thinking that there were 4 hours of demo available

Can we file this under “This is so stupid” along with “Oddibe McDowell’s Water Bill”?

“It’s not a hack; it’s just natural selection”

Welp, guess it may soon be time to upgrade from my PS2

Thanks for cracking open the time capsule with that one :D

I think most of my FFX marathons solely involved playing blitzball

Yeah, I would routinely fall asleep playing Madden ‘03 late at night and wake up and it would be like 1st and 70 from my own goal line

Not trying to argue, but most aged beers taste noticeably different than their un-aged counterparts :D I suppose we could append your statement “Generally you want the hoppy ale as fresh as possible [to experience the flavor that the brewer has intended].”

“Generally you want the hoppy ale as fresh as possible”

I didn’t even know a white stout was a think but now I must have it!

I would say yes and no to the correlation. Higher ABV needs more fermentables which means more materials needed which means higher cost. That being said, at any production brewery (even the micro variety), I would imagine that these costs are marginal, so it could have to do with any added labor or aging (e.g., if the

Dark beer to reduce the production of PAHs

Have you come across any other kolsch that you would recommend? I am very picky and think that when done wrong, it tastes like Natty Light. A short list of those that I can remember liking are:

guys, someone needs to step up so we can get more episodes of CSI: Ottawa

Based on your logic, at some point in my past, I was Bill Simmons? Maybe some day I will finish those books...

Once again, American tax dollars well spent

“So what happens you have construction is, you get potholes. I have no idea why this is. I’ve never understood it.”

Any time I try to understand what is or is not boarding, I am left confused by what calls or non-calls I actually see during gameplay.

came here for this. you did not disappoint