
i feel like the pace of the games is maybe the main issue to complain about. hockey and basketball are more or less continuous action (with the exception of incessant timeouts at the end of basketball games).

MLB: we want games to be shorter!

1) there's a potential conflict of interest if crossfit is funding the study

thats as many pullups as i can do!

i dont see the difference

dungy rebuttal: "leave god out of this you sinner"


I have access to that article, and it should be +0.042. There's lots of statistics that I don't understand, but it's much more significant of an increase for centers/forwards than it is of a decrease for guards.

this comment has lots of marbles

USA! USA! USA! who cares about academics, sports are all that matter! USA USA USA

watchESPN was fine for me today. it kept crapping out during the Ghana game for whatever reason

"Boateng has since showed no remorse for his actions which has resulted in the decision"

you guys, whats the big deal, that says 2075. by that point, it will probably be a team of megatron clones quarterbacked by cyborg peyton manning. or i guess by that point, robot manning. or peyton mannings brain in a megatron clone

i typically have a strong aversion to any mexican beer, but you had me at chupacabra

i was curious, but now im nauseous

yep, this is what we did

trick question: all of them

i whole-heartedly endorse the OxiClean method for removing pit stains.

sure, "fake" mullet

theres a "NOT USA"?