
That seems completely insane to me! 

Ya know...I think so, but it’s really hard to say. He worked for the man for 10 years and who knows what all he had to do in that period of time that he was, seemingly, OK with. I could be naive but I just think that yesterday we saw a man with nothing else to lose finally put it all out there, so based on that I

Yup. It made zero sense to me. And there’s no real way to prove it since she didn’t have an MRI before the other treatments, but her surgeon suspects that at least one of the treatments made her condition worse. If they’d just done the MRI from the start, again, money and time would have been saved! 

Here’s what I don’t understand about insurance. A real life example:

Which is what Cohen just did. I’m not calling him a saint but he saw all of the things he was doing and his policies and only determined that it was an issue once Charlottesville happened. He was OK with everything else up to that point. 

I, usually, avoid reading articles about plane malfunctions and I take Xanax. I had taken Xanax for a while until I got used to flying and weaned myself off. But then I had a very scary (for me, but not most people) landing and now I’m back on the Xanax. But it absolutely helps me calm down enough to get on the plane

I have already heard one person say “oh, he is such a liar.” Which is true, overall. But so is Trump. Just because Cohen is a liar doesn’t mean Trump is not. Both can be, and are, liars. But he has documentation of several of the things he’s testified about so people need to accept that liars will also protect


“ a racist, a conman, and a cheat.”

And her haters like to call her Occasional-Cortex because they’re just so fucking witty. /s

I yawned at least five times, if not more.

His insecurity really hurts him! 

Like....why does his mouth gross so many of us out? We all have mouths. We all have lips. But something about his is just skin crawlingly bad. 

This is more appealing that what I imagine them making out would look like. By, like, a lot. 

I listened to this podcast the other day and I just truly felt that she handled all of that with such grace and honesty. I was very impressed. 

He’s the best looking Hemsworth, imo. 

It takes money away from the public schools that already exist that need all the funds they can get. 

All I’ve ever seen and heard about him is what an asshole he is.

We might be twins.

I remember when they got married a bunch of people said “Oh, great. She’s going to ruin his music.” Simply because he was “broody and deep” and she made cheerful, pop music. They never thought the “broody and deep” dude was just an asshole that would ruin her music career.