
I’m so sorry to hear about this terrible hardship. 

They are way cute. With less cryo chamber recovery. 

Typical schedule:

I don’t watch a whole lot of TV shows but I do watch Modern Family, black-ish, and Grey’s Anatomy, all of which are on ABC and all of which I would classify as very blue state programming. So, I can see why, as a network, ABC would want to get a bit “more red-state programming” since they are a business and businesses

I like the show but I don’t like the marketing of the show. It’s just so annoyingly over the top. These are STILL PHOTOS of characters. Who is gonna cry looking at that?

Somewhere along the way curves stopped meaning “shape” and started meaning “woman carrying some extra weight on her” and I’ve seen women that are sexy and curvy get referred to as curvy then become upset because “I’m a size 6! I’m not curvy!” It’s all very upsetting and weird and it makes me want to give all women

He’s the best at being the most insecure. Tremendous insecurity. Stable insecurity. #WINNING! at being insecure. 

All the same. 

It was absolutely lovely. They brought in pizza, people acted reasonable about it instead of swarming it like ants, we all chatted with each other, watched each others bags, shared power outlets. It really was just a nice experience and I think the way Delta handled it all was a large part of that. 

I was flying out of WV once and my flight was cancelled. My Dad, being my Dad, was helping me with the agent and we were being all chill about it, as is our way, while everyone else raged and raged.

All of this! I had a Delta flight cancelled due to a mechanical malfunction on the plane. I calmly sat down, called the number they gave me, got my new flight, read my book, got food, etc. Most people at this gate were fairly decent and because the delay was hours and hours (honestly, I spent all day at this gate),

It’s bullshit like “a ball pit filled with boobs” that makes certain types of people not want to take feminism seriously and impossible for those of us that understand this is nonsense to explain to those types that this is, in fact, not feminism and is, instead, nonsense. 

I thought this, too. Especially when he was answering questions directly to the toy. I thought “Great, now he looks like a cool guy that’s going with the flow and shit.” 

I just finished reading this and when I got to the bottom and saw “as told to Clover Hope” I was all “OMG, HOWEXCITING!!!!”

This is all I want people to remember about him. He doesn’t have a deep down with evil plans. If his mind is fading, that’s irrelevant. He is, simply, a rich, white asshole. 

That should read “My life isn’t drab and boring...” Man...proofreading would help. 

Yeah, I like ‘em, too. We all die. Why must it always be so drab and boring? My life it’s drab and boring so dammit I don’t want my death planning to be either! 

This is the correct answer. 

It makes me want to throw things. It’s a terrible terrible song. 

  • What, in your opinion, is the one food that is never better homemade? Ice cream. Homemade is fine, I’m not mad at it, but it’s never as good. Even stores that make their own are better than any homemade I’ve sampled.