
Any time I read anything regarding GOOP I just want to go and throw things at people and stuff while yelling. It’s all so dumb and why are people even going along with it ohmahgawd!!!

Now that mine is in the 800s it’s like I’m now in competition with myself to keep it there and not dip down. It’s weird. But I feel awesome knowing that even thought I may not have a lot saved, I can pretty much get any type of financing I might need should some sort of shit hit a large fan.

Well, there have been some one night stand situations that could have totally been uncircumcised and I’d not know but the guys I dated, yes, I know for sure as I saw them in all states.

So, serious question that I just brought up to my bf the other day as I heard yet another circumcised equals Jewish joke on a sitcom the other day:

On her Instagram account, though, she looks like herself. I’m thinking they Photoshopped the shit out of these.

I’m going with extra Photoshopping. I just went to her Instagram and she looks like herself in the photos she takes herself. And she still has the best looking legs I’ve ever seen.

Who’s been ugly? All I see are folks wondering if this is actually her or not because it doesn’t look like her.

I’m doing a major spring cleaning and I came across my box of papers that I need to dispose of and found a credit card statement that was for around $19k. I am currently, for all intents and purposes, debt free. That felt AMAZING. No, I didn’t do it all alone...but I’ve not returned to the habits that got me there now

My HSA, EF, and just general savings are all in the process of being re-built thanks to last year. But, luckily, since I had them I did not have to add to my debt. *whew* So, I just utilize interest free payments whenever possible at the moment to help all of my accounts.

Well, for me, I had medical issues last year that wiped out my savings so I’m taking every opportunity to throw even a few dollars back into that stockpile. So, interest free payments on a low debt that allows me to throw money into savings at the same time is a win.

If you’re good with credit, you can get a Care Credit card (make sure your vets accept it). They usually have agreements with the vets for 3, 6, or 12 months interest free depending on the amount of the bill. I have found it absolutely invaluable in helping me take care of my dogs through the years without too much

I was going to point out the Care Credit option as it’s how I deal with pet care emergencies or larger bills that I don’t want to deal with right now. I pay it all off within the set time frame of no interest and still manage to save money along the way. Also, some agreements are for 12 months! I now have one vet bill

And in return you got a dissertation about my face! That so me. ;)

My face is finally back to happy and good after the CeraVe debacle. This is what I use/do:

Yeah, I’m thinking it had to be the sunscreen portion. But it was an immediate bad reaction. No good!

So far I’ve only tried the CeraVe body lotion and then the face moisturizer. The body lotion IS AMAZING. I love it. But for general face cleaning I use Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser and it’s been great. I’ve recently added in Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water and I swear in less than a week my face went from soft and smooth

I love CeraVe lotion for my body so much that I bought that CeraVe Am Facial Moisturizer with the SPF thinking I’d love it, too. After two applications my soft, smooth face was rough and dry and so sad! Which made me so sad.

I feel way more than slightly ill. I’m utterly disgusted and outraged. I find people in support of this to be absolutely reprehensible. And I’m utterly exhausted by feeling like I’m screaming into a void of people that cannot give even a second of a shit about anything outside of “my guns, the Military, and coal!”

I’m constantly amazed at the number of smokers I know that look down their noses at addicts.

But this is what a dog already is, has, and does!