
til; I’m a pro at niksen.

That’s me with bearded Jemaine Clement.

There was a pizza place back home that would make a pizza sub and it was terrific and I want one. Right now. A nice italian sub roll, sauce, pepperoni, lots of mozerella. All warmed up and melty. The sauce would soak into the bread. It was perfect.

As weird as it sounds....Twitter is usually the first place breaking news hits. When bin Laden was killed I saw it on Twitter before it hit ANY news site, TV alert, or FB.

Except some white women are, actually, racists, bigots, and xenophobes themselves so they’re simply sleeping with people that they agree with.

Why is she even bringing this up? Because Jane recently did? When did we start having to respond to every.single.comment.made?! ffs

That’s what I did! I paid off all debt, I use my credit card to build up points, I pay that off every month, I’m (slowly) building my emergency and HSA funds. It feels GREAT to be debt free.

Instantly followed. Thank you!

I’m not a trainer but I had a personal trainer for two years and what I learned that made him the happiest is:

I’ve seen these at the store and thought “no way can they be as good as in store!” So, thank you for adding a line item to this weekend’s grocery list!

I think it’s a self esteem/confidence issue. Yes, it looks way better if they lean into it and cut it/shave it, but it’s hard. At least according to the guys I’ve known that have gone through this.

They’ve also proposed bills to allow logging in state parks AND to require all schools to offer elective bible study classes...

All me and my peers did as teens was drink too much, smoke a bit of pot, and then have some sex. Is that not a thing anymore?

Awww, you SHOULD be proud of her!

I knew some of the miners that died and/or their families. I’m telling you, if he wins in that state I’m DONE!

Coal is so deeply ingrained in their brains. It’s just so sad. I hope it changes but with the oxy nonsense going on I don’t have a lot of hope. :(

Yep. I had two surgeries last year and had to dip into my vacation time. I was glad I was able to do that to avoid too many unpaid days but...I had no idea my body was going to absolutely revolt against me last year and, therefore, had not planned my PTO time for other minor illnesses ahead of time. Bleah.

I believe it is very much an American thing, but not all of us have it. A lot of people in my small office do so I’m sure it looks like I’m not as invested in the success of the business thanks to making good use of my vacation time and using sick leave as needed. It’s not true, however. I love my job and am quite

And it happens in every state, too.

This is the first write up of this show that’s made it sound remotely interesting to me, so thank you! Knowing that the victims will actually be humanized is a big deal.

Honestly, WV didn’t pop into my mind when I looked at the photos. If it had been more of a mullet, maybe, but I’m not sure. But I can’t help but feel “dammit! why does he have to have a WV association!” reading this.