
Well, in my experience in the National Parks I’ve been to thus far, they are large and in remote areas. So, if you plan to spend a day there going from place to place within the park to check out (like at Yellowstone) it’s nice to have the park cafeteria’s and general stores around for lunch, snacks, water, etc.

Of course it is! But only in the areas that’s it’s ok to be a trainwreck, according to the rules that only they know and understand to be acceptable.

YES! I worked with those people in Virginia. All cutesy in their outfits and didn’t want to layer up but cried about being too cold. NO. I’m red in the face and sweaty, I am not making up my hot and I can’t take anything off. Stop.

I just love when the uptight, “well behaved” white people think they know how all white people act in order to keep their racist beliefs.

It all depends on your climate. When I lived on the East Coast with high humidity I was in no way going to allow the temps to be in the 70s in my house. I was always too hot and it all sucked.

D’ur, yes. I haz teh dum at the moment.

Not according to this IMDB or the EW article I read yesterday...

Those are not happy faces.

Yep. Becky 1 is Becky and Becky 2 is now Andrea, a surrogate having a baby for Becky 1.

It’s not like there’s not already shops at the parks that sell coffee and their not littered with cups. So, unless having a Starbucks increases how many people decide to drink coffee while at the park, I don’t really see that as one of the issues to have with this decision.

It’s also entirely possible that she’s so un-self-aware of herself and her family that she legit meant this. I’ve met people like that and it’s fascinating while also being horrifying.

Same! It doesn’t look some boring assed Stepfordy neighborhood, people still, somehow, manage to take care of their own property, and I find the sound of roosters in the morning delightful!

And in an ironic twist, at least in my experience, the people that are the most in favor of HOAs are also the ones that are in favor of smaller government.

What if a person’s attic access is in the garage like mine is? Then you get people living in your attic instead of the garage and then it’s my worst nightmare.

I approach my vacations like this in regards to “even the city it’s in.” Because the world is large, time is short, and I want to see as many places as I can. So I cram as much as possible into any week that I go somewhere new so I feel like I really saw it.

And if you don’t fully know what you want to see, just decide to meander and let things catch your eye and attention. This is how I did my visit to The Hermitage (St. Petersburg) and I greatly enjoyed my time there and, likely, only saw a fraction of it. And, as with this space, the space itself is worth looking at

Exactly. And the same people that are all “you dummies elected a reality TV star to be President!” and now all “Oprah for President!” and I just want to shake them all and tell them to stop being ridiculous.

What I’m finding out in here in my circle of people are, generally, people that fall into 1 of 4 categories:

Waka Flocka

I’ve never had a coffee table. Ever. I’m finally doing a style right!