
I’m trying very hard to not be a “people are so dumb” type but stories like this are making it harder by the day.

It astounds me how dumb people can be sometimes.

I didn’t find it funny but I thought it was because it was too real. Like, at the beginning of the year I was SO ANGRY all of the time and I didn’t know what to do or where to start and I was just angry. And carb loading to help not be angry.

Wait...if sex workers/prostitution isn’t legal in all states how is it legal for police officers to engage in sexual activity during an investigation with a sex worker? This is not logical...

Right?! Girl was goooooood.

I agree with this 100% and have said as much. People need to stop giving him so much fucking credit. Like, he doesn’t tell people confidential information to be willfully treasonous, he tells them to feel and sound important. It’s all just ego. He’s an empty package run solely on ego.

I’ll take one in Big Bird yellow and Kermit green, please.

Exactly. And articles like this one that point out things that are, and have been, fucking obvious just make me think “Are you seriously surprised by this? I’m not a human behavior professional but I already know ALL of this and everyone else should, too!” FFS

I WISH it were just the youths. Adults that, apparently, peaked in high school do this crap, too. It’s cringe worthy.

Yes, but I’m a weirdo who’s “cheer me up!” movies are “Se7en,” “Fight Club,” and “Silence of the Lambs” to name a few. But I also rewatched “Parks and Rec” because it was nice to watch a show about people that actually cared about each others well being and actively worked together towards one another’s goals AND did

I live in an area with, apparently, lots of older folks so the posts I see are a lot of “I saw a dude walking around. Did you see that dude? Who is that dude?” “I don’t recognize this car that just drove by....” “Why is that dog barking?” It’s like visiting my grandparents.

I like this guy.


Then I turn around at the door with my coat on, door open, yell back “BYE EVERYONE!” they all turn and say “OH, BYE!” and then out into the night I go.

Same. I, at least, have to greet and say goodbye to the host. That’s just good manners, imo!

You’re welcome! I know information helps calm me down so I’m always willing to pay that forward. I missed three days for the surgery and I absolutely was NOT pushing myself or rushing back too soon on Monday, it was fine. I was tired at the end of the day but totally fine.

I had the HIDA scan, it was no sweat. Until the last injection caused ALL of my gallbladder symptoms all at once and then I was miserable the rest of the day. Just, if yours causes a lot of pain be prepared for that. Mine didn’t show any sludge or stone on the ultrasound and the HIDA wasn’t showing any dysfunction

Mine randomly decided to hate me, too, and it progressively got worse over the course of two months. I had it removed last week. I hope they figure yours out quickly to get you back to normal!

It may not be romantic but it’s 100% true and, for some reason, makes people ANGRY. Far too many people just want to be “right” and fuck all of the rest. It’s exhausting.

So, he didn’t actually watch the video I saw with people yelling about Jews and how disgusting it is to watch Kutchner walk around with such a beautiful, white lady?

I think he only seems more monstrous or losing it because he has never been under this type of daily pressure/scrutiny or had to actually answer real life questions that affect real life, and really important, things. He’s not equipped. At all. So, yes, in that regard he is losing it.