
Golfers, tennis players, football players on the sidelines, Bill Murray in Space Jam; I can go on forever, baby

Where are you standing? Players like Pulisic, Gooch, Yedlin, Wood, Gyau, and Rubin spent large chunks of time in USSF development teams and programs, not in MLS academies. So far, the best player MLS has produced entirely organically is Matt Miazga, and he’s struggling to find his footing in The Netherlands...

Lemme tell you about this bad beat poker hand from 11 years ago!

might want to brush up on the relationship with Jurgen and MLS.

No one cares about your fantasy football team.

After five years we have no strategy in possession. No link play. No understanding of where players should be in the offensive half. We have absolutely no system.

MLS will stop getting antagonized as soon as it stops striving for mediocrity with literally every action it takes as an organization.

“we need to balance the budget and prioritize defense”

Your choice of verbs sucks.

Pulisic looked pretty frustrated with the rest of the US’s sorry-ass squad tonight. I lost track of how many times he gestured to acres of open space in front of him after somebody gave the ball away, or pointed out people’s lack of movement while he was on the ball.

The three best teams in CONCACAF are the US, Mexico and Costa Rca. The USMNT has pretty convincingly shown themselves to be the bottom of that trifecta in the past few days.

I don’t think there’s any chance LeBron wins 7 titles.

If only there was a sports blog this could have been posted to...

Seriously, fuck you.

C’mon, there is a 0% chance you would have made this post if that picture didn’t exist, right? I don’t want to be overly sensitive, but the dude is either dealing with serious mental issues, serious addiction issues, or a combination of the two.

What was the purpose of this post other than mental illness click bait? “Look, here’s a guy who hit rock bottom, how fascinating!” No context, no story, just “funny weird picture that will get us traffic.” He’s not in the public eye anymore so definitely not newsworthy. I love Deadspin but come on, this is the kind of

We are well aware of the fact. But unlike People That Think Thousands of Years of Burning the Shit We Dig Up Out of the Ground, Building Massive Cities, Clear-Cutting Old Growth Forests, Polluting the Air We Breathe and Using Environmentally Detrimental Agricultural Practices Is Having No Effect on the Earth's Fragile

and I'm pretty sure that you don't know shit about climate change.