
Supplemental private insurance to actually receive decent care is common in countries with socialized medicine.  Single payer could certainly deliver “a” level of care to everyone but in no way is it “the” level of care.  Money buys you better care and, short of making doctors and nurses slaves, there does not seem to

It’s not so much that they’re losing interest in providing those things. It’s that they’re gaining interest in actively denying those things to all but the wealthy.

Because that’s not how the traditional female/male dynamic works. Even if you were as attractive as a man could be, most women still won’t chase you. They’ll drop hints and try to get your attention so you can see that they’re interested. Traditionally men are the chasers; it’s why a lot of straight women say they

This entire ecosystem, which appears to be getting bigger every day, was bankrolled and built by people who have concluded the only way to reform the system is to build another one where the simplest form of healthcare is a saleable and aspirational experience, not a service. And definitely not a right.

Yeah, Letter #2 didn’t feel like it needed a response from a lesbian Youtuber with 600,000 subscribers. Sometimes it’s fine just to swipe left.

It’s time for Savage Nobody! The advice column for all your problems, whether they be dishes, laundry, or cocksucking!

The top letter weirdly resonates with some feelings I’ve been having this week even if they’re not exactly the same.  As a man, I’m always the one who “does the chasing”; initiating contact, arranging the first meet up, setting the tone for the opening steps of a potential relationship.  And I’m sort of sick of it,

He ran a pure policy based campaign, a breath of fresh air after all this tribal based bs that is American politics.

Warren might be next, she’s not going to make the 15% viability threshold, same with Biden although that’s a good thing.

Come to Bernie’s bosom my sweet yanggang. We will take care of you.

Well, I for one am shocked. I thought The Bachelor would always be known as the greatest among us competing with honor and respect.

I would think so. I know people who have lost their children and this would almost definitely make it worse for them.

It goes both ways. there are just as many women out there just looking for someone to provide for them, just as there are lots of men out there looking for the same. The first letter is actually proof of a guy who DOESN’T want to be in a relationship with a mom-like partner and has a problem with being taken care of

Well that’s rather insulting and wrong.  

Yeah, not so much.

With the first one, I mean you chose to date someone several years older and you’re upset she’s several years older and for most of the relationship have secretly wanted out.

From my perspective, if I’m willing to pay $5 to rent a move for an evening, I have no problem donating a bit to a streamer who is providing me similar level of entertainment even if I could watch for free.