
So is her power wind? I thought it was life, but now it appears to be wind. Did I miss something?

It's so nice to finally have the roles reversed. Of course I'm talking about a north american actor playing with a British accent.

Seriously! I rewound that a few times to check if it was real.

Only if we find out that Felicity killed his wife because it was her red mission.

Noooooo, I liked Kai!

So…I remember Oliver being stabbed in the lower right peck.

"Ten bucks if you go ahead with the particle accelerator."

God dammit. This is exactly what I hoped wouldn't happen. Just let the dude be immortal. Why assign a number to it? Now we have to keep track and get worried when he runs low.

"I'll leave when I'm good and ready."

We can hope.

Nope. I love it too. In fact I'm going to LA in the spring to meet Janeway! :)

Dat Felicity scene tho'!

I reaaaaaaaaaaaally want Kai to stay. Is it because I really like her character? Yes.


I'd rather have no Black Canary than her as BC.

I think he was dazed like that because he hasn't been sleeping well.

What if Thea was the one who shot Sara? It would explain why she had her guard down.

Did anyone else notice when Andrea Anders got up from the piano?

How long have you had that one in the chamber?

If Ed ever came out on DVD, I would freak. Out.