Phillip Anderson

Putin: *invades and conquers Croatia*

Dear Chuck:

Good idea, but bad execution.

This is pure ahistorical bullshit. The whole “the Middle East has been locked in war for centuries and they’ve hated each other for centuries” thing is one of the most highly criticized bits of Orientalist logic and myths that still exists. Every MENA specialist learns to roll their eyes at it.

I wish Pareene would go on TV more. 

Probably the best “I took the buyout” column of the bunch. I’ve been a fan since you violated the ultimate taboo by going after Jamie Dimon on CNBC. I look forward to your next venture.

Bye Alex. You are good and the site was good. Fuck Univison.

“You’ve probably heard of ‘Cultural Marxism,’ but do you know what it means?”

“Rasium.” Lord. If they’re supposed to be the master race, they could at least learn to spell.

I am not a chicken fan, but if I have to, it's got to be a leg or thigh.  I never understood how "white meat" became a selling point in fast food ads.  "Wow, the dry, flavorless rubber of the chicken, how lucky!"

Just when you think you’re sick of this stupid floptastic sport, Lingard’s goal reminds you why you aren’t.

It’s insane to me to not take Doncic. He was literally the best player in Europe last 19. 

1. Gun ownership is high but heavily regulated. This includes mandatory military service.
2. The Swiss healthcare system is non-profit for those plans that cover basic services, are heavily regulated, have caps on deductibles and out of pocket costs, etc.
3. Switzerland has general data privacy laws.
4. Switzerland has

Just what I wanted to see: a M.O.T. taking him out.

Fuck you.

There’s that old Gawker feeling.

I hope he found Gideon’s Bible

I prefer to get my news from print sources, so I only had a vague idea of who Jake Tapper was... until last year, when he told one of Roy Moore’s spokesdouches that “it is not the law” that public officials have to be sworn into office on a Bible and completely broke his brain. I still sometimes find that clip when

We’re so completely fucked.

We arrived at work this morning to find this fantastic message, left by a caller in the Bay Area