Phillip Anderson

Huh, timely for me.

Jack Murtha wasn’t wrong when he said his district (of which Johnstown is the principal city) was “a bunch of rednecks.”

“Superchunk made a secret hardcore record” is one rad as fuck way to start my Wednesday.


So, so many pics of old man balls are in some intern’s future.

Isn’t this something that can go before the National Labor Relations Board? Like, workers have a right to organize. (This as a person near Santa Barbara, where rich horrible woman Wendy McCaw ruined a local paper through venomous spite. She fired the newsroom that was trying to organize; blurred the lines between

Not all gone. The internet never forgets.

Yes, yes and yes again. What a rat. I’m a longtime reader of Gothamist and was worried when he bought it, but didn’t expect this. When I first saw the letter I thought the website had been hacked. Sads for everybody who got the heave ho without warning. He could at least have tried to sell it.

Motherfucker is the word that popped to my mind.

The very existence of billionaires is an example of how our government and economic systems have failed.

Seriously, this is just disgusting. I wonder what the over/under is on radio silence from the White House.

I mean, holy shit, taking the fucking archives offline is brutal. There were incredibly valuable newsworthy things on that site, and now the only way people can access them is to go trawling through and hope that the site captured the article at issue.

joe ricketts eat shit

A guy named Ricketts worried about expanded health coverage, how ironic.

I loved Gothamist— read it everyday. I honestly didn’t know too much about Ricketts before this, but after this I despise the man.

Steps to fucking Joe Ricketts.

Also, Chicago too.

I don’t think he asked for a lawyer dog. I think he asked for a lawyer, dog.

Was pissed that there wasn’t more Samantha