Phillip Anderson

On one side ruthlessly evil and expert at stacking the deal in their favor and winning elections, which is the only thing that matters here.

After the reichwingers flipped their shit about that little dap, the New Yorker’s Barry Blitt skewered their horror by mashing evvverything Fox News all into one image:

Eh, I still only go to 2 or 3 a month even with the moviepass. I’ve seen people saying “I see so many more movies now that they’re free!”, but, really? What’s your time worth? Dogshit is still dogshit. Watching a Miles Teller movie costs you in other ways.

You forgot: Full body camera angle, hot lady, short skirt.

Fox News is terrible, but goddamn do they know their demographic. I can think of a bunch of 70+ year olds who would absolutely think a fist bump is worthy of an entire fucking segment that includes the necessity of fucking BRINGING ON AN EXPERT to explain the sheer mystery of it all.

i forget the network or show but it was not fox where there was someone discussing how touchy/feely Barry and Shelly are and the quote was something like....they do everything in public.....“they hug, they kiss and they’re into fisting.”

So, does he end up doing anything other than glower? It’s not like GoT let him stretch his range at all.

11 AM at the Stab Factory:

[Woke StabCo Employee]: “Wait, you mean these body-shaped things I’ve been stabbing at work every day are people? They were covered with sheets until like last week, but it’s been weird stabbing them when you can see the people. God, this one just screamed! That almost makes me want to stop

But remember, folks, it’s the left that engages in “historical revisionism” for doing away with the rose-tinted glasses and myths surrounding events and persons in favor of being accurate as to how awful they were.

Doug Jones was always a long shot, but for completely unclear reasons his campaign has resorted to same tactics that completely failed Jon Osoff’s campaign in Georgia. Democrats need to get their heads out of their asses.

‘Deep-fried mullah’ is truly beautiful, in that horror movie way.

John Oliver put it nicely last night. “Alabama: the south’s ‘the south.’”

Indeed, for someone who disdains Muslims and Islam so much, he has no problem holding similar views to the Taliban and Iranian mullahs on homosexuality.

I was so disappointed Samantha wasn’t a thing later in the season.

First thing I told my wife: no way he wouldn’t know who Siouxsie was.

Being anti-fascist isn’t a political statement.


I used to hang out an watch others play the game because I dug the animation and wanted to see how it ended but I was too cheap to lay down that kind of wealth. And I wasn’t the only one, when anyone got more than a couple of minutes into the game a crowd of cheap bastards like myself would immediately encircled the

On the one hand, you’re correct, on the other... how did SHE know what Siouxsie looked like?