Phillip Anderson

I need a bar with good booze, great taps, a kickass jukebox, and a huge hunk of roast beef waiting to be carved.

Oh I’ll def take your word for it. As I said, I’ve only been to Baltimore a few times, though I’ve been through it probably 200 times at least. All I know is that on my first day there, a good a friend of mine, a local, took me to some ancient place to get some pit beef and it blew my goddamn mind. 

Yeah, yeah, yeah. All true. And though I’ve only been to Baltimore a handful of times, I can say without reservation that pit beef is the fucking shit. It has bothered me greatly for years that Baltimore has this totally kickass sandwich that almost nobody outside the city knows while the Philly “cheese” “steak” has

This random tweet summed up my thoughts pretty well.

A really exceptional piece of writing. Well done. I’d just like to add to the People Who Are Just Fucking Awful and Never Go Away, the People Who Are Consistently Fucking Wrong About Everything and Never Go Away. For every Conway, there’s a Stephen Moore or a Bill Kristol or a Larry Kudlow. It’s just vile that so many

I see what you did there. Well played.  

“Bill de Blasio Contemplates Adorably Disastrous and Futile Presidential Bid”

Pelosi should tell Trump that she’s scheduling a press conference in the East Room of the WH later today where she will announce that he can, you know, eat shit.

Papa John’s is ass. I don’t just say that because the former owner had shitty politics and appears to be a truly loathsome piece of shit. I say that because their “pizza” is inedible fucking garbage. Papa John’s is so bad that it is the only “pizza” that I have ever encountered that actually tastes worse when you’re

The (truly excellent) newspaper you’re quoting and linking to is the JACKSON Free Press. You somehow managed to fucking blow that one...twice. Nice work. 

From a good friend:

One of these days, a day that is definitely not today, I would just love to see Schumer and most of the rest of the Senate Dems make it all the way to school with their lunch money still in their pockets.

I really like Tish James. She was my City Councilwoman for many years and she’s been a fantastic Public Advocate. She’s smart as hell and fucking fierce. I’ve never seen that woman back down from anyone or anything...until Cuomo told her to stay away from the WFP line or he’d fucking destroy her. Tish and WFP go way

There’s an honest to god left/progressive wing of the NY state Senate Dems now. That’s huge in and of itself. But the IDC-GOP Franken-majority is also fucking toast. That shit is straight up cancelled. The GOP still has Brooklyn “Democrat” Simcha Felder, but it won’t matter. They’ll lose a few more seats this

This image needs to be the default image used for all Gruden content from now on. Like, this needs to be a law. 

Seriously, this shit is fucking hilarious. 

I really like Chris at the helm on weekends. Stuff like this shit right here is why:

I’m so old that I can remember when one of the only two major political parties our country allows ourselves to even have, marketed itself with the utterly meaningless slogan “culture of life.” It was that one party that now controls all three branches of the federal government as well as a majority of the state

Max shows you how it’s done.

News you can use.