Phillip Anderson

Which way did Justice Garland vote?

I just want to apologize, sincerely and without reservation, to Deadspin, Gizmodo Media Group, and to all the hardworking (and righteously unionized!) employees therein.

DEM DONOR CLASS: “Hey, who do we have in the stable that no one is asking for, that doesn’t really stand for anything of substance, certainly not anything that anyone is asking for, and seems to have no potentially troublesome ideas about solving any all-too-real problems in any meaningful way? We’re talking some dude

Keep draining that swamp, motherfuckers.

The only plausible reason that Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, a noted racist who was once deemed a bit too racist back in 1986 by a Senate Judiciary Committee then headed by Dixiecrat fossil STROM fucking THURMOND for a federal judgeship in Alabama, continues to suck it up under Trump’s withering scorn is that

Now playing

So a whole lot of folks in Missouri took a look at this grotesque fucking nonsense:

You mean running for office while telling people exactly what you plan to do in that office to fix very real problems...sometimes pays off? That’s so fucking weird, right?

Word. For the last 25 years or so, it’s not where the far-right gazillionaires and the wealthy center-left wannabe do-gooders have disagreed that has wreaked so much misery on the rest of us, it’s where they’ve come together. The Iraq War, privatizing public education, deregulating the finance sector and shredding

Lots of people were briefed about it and seemed to be fine with it. Fuck every last one of them. That said, we aren’t about to hand the keys to an international army of killers and ratfuckers to Nancy Pelosi.

Look, I get that Warner has plenty of constituents that are actual and former CIA and other intelligence community employees and he doesn’t want to be seen as shitting on their little club.

I love that even this total fucking tool is like, “Goodbye and good luck. Peace/out, bitches.”

I speak from experience here when I say “flatter the rich guy and tell him what he wants to hear” is pretty much the oldest grift in the political consultant’s bag o’ tricks.

This is the good shit right here. Inject this shit directly into my veins.

Yeah, it’s transparently dumb and an utterly content-free critique, if you can even call it that. But it’s also:

In case anyone is interested in learning more about Cuomo’s totally fake and completely cynical Women’s Equality Party, a “party” founded by men, funded by men, staffed by men, largely supported male candidates, and created solely for the benefit of one man, Andrew Cuomo himself, I wrote some Kinja stuff about it back

I’m so totally down for playing this game. In many ways, I feel like I’ve been waiting for a game like this for ages. But...goddammit if one silly thing isn’t driving me nuts about this sucker. In all the video of Seas that I’ve seen so far, the first person POV shows a bowsprit just...sticking out there. That’s kinda

If he decides to challenge Trump as a Republican in 2020, Kasich is gonna crush the the DC/NYC green room primary. He’s gonna get his ass handed to him everywhere else though.


Fabio experienced Twitter before Twitter.