Phillip Anderson

BREAKING: Trump legal team introduces new lead counsel.

What horseshit.

It should be mentioned that the protest was at Zuccotti Park which...yeah.

“So what do you call this act?”

While competition from online retailers like Amazon damn sure isn’t helping, let’s not forget why Toys R Us is suffocating under a $5 billion debt load. Vultures like KKR and Bain Capital (Hi, Mitt Romney!) dumped the billions in debt they borrowed to buy the company directly onto the company’s balance sheet all while

This is the good Kinja, yo.

While this is something that Republicans have been clamoring for since at least 2009, let’s not forget that a good number of Democrats (the usual suspects) who should absolutely know better are enthusiastically along for the ride on this one.

Here’s the thing doesn’t fucking matter whether Dems actually try to make this an issue or not. The NRA is absolutely going to come after them as gun-grabbing Maoists either goddamn way. So...maybe just, I don’t know, make peace with that and do the right fucking thing and stand up and speak clearly and

Daaaaaaagggg, yo.

It’s cool though because our awesomest president addressed this awful CNN thing this morning.

Feinstein really has been awful forever and on even more issues than are discussed in this post. It’s such a goddamn shame that she not only still occupies one of the most high-profile seats in the US Senate, one from one of the most progressive states in the nation, but that she intends to keep occupying it until she

“very first person”

Wow. It’s pretty hard to properly describe to non-New Yorkers what BFD this is.

In other news, Cernovich also took MSNBC’s lunch money. Again.

It really did devolve quickly into a total “fuck it, this too” free-for-all over the last few days and I think there’s a pretty good reason why. The GOP ghouls on the Hill know that their chances to put whatever crazy and cruel bucket list items in front of a fucking dope like Trump who will sign any goddamn thing

I will forever stand behind this particular Hot Take: