Phillip Anderson

The first words I heard from the radio this morning were from an NPR anchor delivering the following intro to a segment: “to catch us up on the escalating tensions between the US and The UK...”

OMG. Santa is real, y’all.


You can’t fire employees who try to unionize (on paper at least, it happens all the fucking time) but you can just totally shut down the entire shop for good. I believe that was adjudicated by the Supreme Court back in the 60s.

1. FUCK Joe Ricketts. He’s a fucking plague.

Now playing

Everything anyone would ever need to know about Fox “News” can be summed up in three simple words: “terrorist fist jab.”

First and foremost, let me just say fuck Roy Moore. For real. He is a truly terrible piece of fucking garbage. But he’s absolutely about to be elected to the US Senate from Alabama.

As someone old enough to remember being a shithead kid in 1984, a couple of things really stood out to me about this scene.

BASEBALL, motherfuckers.

About a decade ago, Roger Stone basically told me he’d have me killed if I and a friend didn’t stop poking around some shady email shit he and Michael Caputo were trying to pull (for fun and profit) in NYS. (No joke) So yeah, fuck that asshole.

And don’t forget this shit-nugget:

It’s amazing how, even in Trump’s cabinet of thieving and/or bumbling fuckwits, Zinke manages to really stand out. The dude is one hell of a piece of work.

So I’m guessing one of the only two employees Whitefish had last month must have been one hell of a shady-ass lawyer. Either that or they just had a fucking insane contract like this just laying around? That’s some ballsy as fuck language for a two-person shop to put on paper.

I actually almost linked that piece. But as someone who has both personal and (somewhat limited) more personal experience (these drugs killed my sister) with this subject over the last couple of decades, I wanted to not single out the Sacklers as the sole cause here. They aren’t, though they’re still evil as fuck.

What makes this epidemic different than previous ones, something that it seems our idiot president is completely oblivious to, is that the gateway for so many people to hardcore opioid addiction isn’t one day saying, “fuck yeah, give me some heroin!” It’s getting in a car wreck or tearing a knee tendon or falling off

Agreed. Like, instead of this?

As for those three black governors, let’s not forget that that nobody actually voted for David Paterson to be governor. He was the Lt Governor to one Eliot Spitzer who, unlike pretty much any elected Republican caught doing the exact same shit, resigned his office.


Word. Up.