Phillip Anderson

Trump has never had “heart” for anything but himself and filthy fucking lucre. Fuck this nakedly racist, know-nothing, cowardly shit stain.

Honestly, I kinda gotta give the guy some respect. Motherfucker got paid when it turns out he wasn’t even good enough for the Cleveland goddamn Browns.

This is fucking garbage and you should feel bad for posting it.

I sincerely hope this asshole never, ever is put in a position where he hasn’t eaten in days, where his children haven’t eaten in days or a scenario in which he faces the awful chance that he and his entire family could drown in their own home all while being surrounded by water that no one can drink no matter how

A very good friend wrote this recently for Politico. Crap like this has been a major peeve of both of ours for years. It’s worth your time.

I joked on Twitter yesterday that people should sign my petition demanding all Confederate monuments be immediately replaced with monuments to RuPaul, Angela Davis or Brienne of Tarth. Then they demanded that I actually make that petition.

Given the sourcing on all of these recent stories, someone is probably whispering “the Kushners send their regards” into Donnie’s ear at this very moment.

There are two things that we would all be wise to remember.

As pretty much every dad on earth has said at least once, “you fuck with the bull, son....”

That’s...dope as shit.

I wrote a Kinja this about how Trump’s dumb tweets are coming back to haunt him:

Kill it with fire.

It should be noted that Jenkins, Mr. More Guns, Coal and Unwanted Pregnancies, has only been a Republican for a few years. He served in the WV state Senate for a decade as a Democrat. He’s running against a first class fucking doofus in Manchin, a guy who once literally took a rifle and shot a hole in a copy of a

Let’s not forget that Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III quite obviously perjured himself at his confirmation hearing to be, you know, the top law enforcement officer in the nation.’s the Code Pink lady who laughed at him who is the one looking at jail time.

The balaclavas seem to cover their eyes because it seems to me that the burglars here are meant to be, you know, actual ISIS-type people. Really. That’s what it looks like to me.

Also with completely inexplicable hair. Weird, right?

I’m a Spurs homer from way back. I’ve been a rabid Spurs fan since I was a kid, from back when they mostly sucked. I love Leonard so much. I think he is deserving of even more praise than he already gets. It feels like every offseason he upgrades his firmware to add yet another skill to his already impressive Bag o’

Of course there were GOP trust busters. As for this:

Of course it was. They, you know, control both houses of Congress and the WH. Where did imply otherwise?