Phillip Anderson

All true, and airlines are just one of the most extreme and awful examples. The truth is that this kind of concentration has happened in loads of other industries over the last few decades. It’s why your ISP sucks and your mobile provider sucks and your health insurance sucks and...I could go on.

Tell me more, Mr. Lombardi.

They seem to be rather eager to start another war on the Korean peninsula so...

Fox was a wildly successful effort to put talk radio on TV. It had been working great for them and they figured why not put this in America’s living rooms. It worked and made a lot of truly terrible people fabulously wealthy.

I think this is pretty spot-on and is something I’ve been saying to folks for years now. It really hit home to me in the closing weeks of the 2012 election during the peak of the “unskew the polls” phenomenon. The rubes were eating this shit up as usual, but then it became obvious that plenty of actual power players

Swear to god, I’ll cut a bitch.

I really do feel that she is genuinely that stupid. I honestly don’t believe that she ever thought, not for a second, that anything she was committing to saying in this statement would ever be seen as controversial in any way. She really is just that fucking clueless.

“Do you even lift, bro? You don’t! OMG.”

“Nearly one bell.” Nice touch, “boat-take” Barry. Well done. Patrick O’Brian would approve of this entire column.

Srsly. It feels like Berman has been at least 60 years old since about 1995.

Welcome to the club, Buffalo.

Why does almost no one, especially national reporters, mention the fact that Paladino was the GOP nominee for the highest office in NYS just 6 years ago? And, much like Trump, he won his nomination not despite his overt racism, but largely because of it. Republicans in New York liked him so much that they were willing

I’m going with “sketchy edibles.”

I think you’re a fine writer, Hamilton. I really do. But “Jaguars Junction” is bad. You should stop.

It’s pretty obvious that Trump doesn’t realize that the Pakistanis are scary Mooslims. Honestly, I wonder if he could even point to Pakistan on a map if asked to do so. I wonder if he could even point to the right continent.

Mike Stoops, Bob’s kid, makes $900,000 a year.

Never ceases to amaze me how many of those constantly screaming about “tyranny” seem to actually really dig some fucking tyranny when it suits them.

“No we can’t,” yet again.

This nonsense, as they say, is all my balls. First, what the fucking fuck with the microwave, you sad-sack philistine? I blame your parents. Second, you‘re missing out on the benefits of cooking all the good stuff together.

Every day that passes with a Democratic Party led by someone eager to side with vampire scum like the payday lenders is another day the Democratic Party reveals itself to be largely full of shit. In an election year where Democrats are warning voters that handing Republicans even more power will be bad for ordinary