
Her face strikes me as rather odd looking. However I’m totally onboard with them fleshing out her character as well as the storytelling in general with this game.

crazy how “good” is subjective amirite

Dare to dream the impossible dream.

Better be a Metroid game.

I’m afraid most of you will be too young to get this reference. . .

Nice try, Stephen. But this is clearly a fake article to cover up your very real article about beating women in video games being rape.

I don’t know if cockfighting is a step-up from battling monsters from Hell with swords, but at least it’s far easier.

Anyone excited for the new Splatoon game?

Undertale is similar to Earthbound, the creator of the game actually started off making Earthbound rom hacks, it’s fandom isn’t too friendly but that shouldn’t turn you off from this great game.

Apparently these same marketers were also hired to do Gameshark advertisements.

There is no need to bring politics into this. You leave poor Ted Cruz alone.

Might as well just get this written up now:

You mean this plot?

Article mentions Reel Big Fish twice. 10/10. First band I ever saw live in concert many years ago.

I’m not sure how anyone thought this would see the light of day, TBH.

I always thought he was flipping Finn off.

The user appears to be an admin, I don’t know how likely it is that he happened to have a viewer who also played this game back in the day, but who knows.

An elevator? That seems a bit morbid... I mean I know Mondays are bad, but they aren’t *that* bad, are they?