
I'm very much enjoying this entire LMD/Agents of Hydra arc, and right now nothing is as good as Daisy's knowing little smirks every time one of her friends does the right thing. Also, Daisy and May teaming up to kick a little ass is appreciated in every reality.

This right after HR reaching under the closing door for his drumstick, Indiana Jones-style. That was a good sequence.

I use Ovaltine to make chocolate milk when I make breakfasts on the weekends. This may make me the sole remaining regular customer of Ovaltine in the United States.

This episode got me pretty emotional. To see even just a few of the people that Jack has helped still thriving, and that they haven't forgotten what he did for them, and how all of their stories finally pushed Ashi fully over to his side all totally worked on me.

Oh no, isn't swallowing Spider-Man what killed Mary Jane in Reign?

I believe the plural is "Spiders-Men"

There's one small store around me that doesn't open until noon, so I might go there and see if I can't get that Bill Evans live album. That's really all I saw that interests me.

“'Closer' is worth imitating: It’s a legitimately good song."

Jimmy couldn't even look the Air Force guy in the face at the end of their little discussion. And I also noticed (and loved) the deliberate pace of Mike's investigative work. By now I know to trust Gilligan, that when he shows me something as mundane as a man listening to the radio for hours there is a reason, and I

I need to hear old Scotsman's elation at seeing "ME BUDDY" one more time.

Part of that is Harry is so goddamn cool that even Albert loved the guy before too long.

I agree completely about having more Coops. Who says the smartest guy in the room can't also be the nicest?

Dale Cooper is probably my favorite fictional character ever, so yeah, that one.

I loved how Jemma, while horrified at the state of affairs in the Framework, is also legit impressed by the whole thing. Like when she realized the woman who helped her (for a little while, at least) made art. Some electronic NPC is creating things. The scientist in her can't help but think that's cool.

"Interacting with your past self is one of the most dangerous things a time traveller can do"

Snake Pass already sounded like something I'd like to try, and then you compared it to Octodad, and now I'm all in. Further, I finally mastered the Bangkok level in the new Hitman, and while I'm ready to tackle the next destination, I'm also kind of ready for a break, so maybe Snake Pass is just what I need right now.

I liked this episode, but it did feel rushed. Another episode in this shithole reality would have given it some room to breathe. But I did get some serious Body Doubles vibes from assassins Sara and Amaya, so that was kinda cool.

So Gao at the end there…is that supposed to make me think that she and Davos and now Joy are all working together? I sure hope not, because that would be extra stupid. Davos going from "you're not killing the Hand hard enough" to working with them is terrible, but exactly the kind of dumb shit I guess I now have to

Mon-El/Winn bro team 4 lyfe

That's why he's a former aide.