
First one I thought of was Tiger Suit by KT Tunstall. She started as a folksy singer-songwriter, and though I thought that first album was a little too polished, I liked it. The second one had better songs, and her acoustic album is fucking great. I still listen to that all the time. Then Tiger Suit came out and she

Maybe if Phil got the red lab coat.

I was expecting Grodd to be manipulating Solovar into being an asshole somehow and for some reason that I can't come up with right now, but nope, he was just a gorilla dictator.

I really like that they want to give Caitlin more to do but blech to the imminent romance subplot with Julian.

When the show started, and was kind of shitty, I often joked that Fitz and Simmons should have just been Lem and Phil from Better Off Ted. And Fitz and Simmons are the beating heart of this series. Even though we knew what he was, watching her kill LMD-Fitz was pretty tough for me to watch.

The whole point of that interview, according to Maher, was to let Milo get out his shitty message so everybody would see how shitty it is. He even opened with how much he disagrees with that message and then spent the interview steering the conversation away from those things and lobbing Milo softballs about comedy

Can't wait for him to cite these polls as proof that a majority of Americans agree with him.

Thank you for your time, Mr Jablome.

So now he should put some in Dinah, OH!

"But for me, it was Tuesday."

Patton Oswalt recently had a bit about how he's trying to be progressive and accepting and not go out of his way to offend people but the terminology evolves faster than he can. That really clicked with me.

I can't keep up with this stuff. What the fuck does "white-presenting" mean?

Sava ruins everything!

Hey, Alex and Maggie, listen to Droz:

Wonder Woman good from start to finish…even the Finch/Finch run? I read their first issue and and decided that was quite enough.

I was entertained, which is all I need from a Super Bowl halftime show. Just be fun for 12 minutes. Though I would have liked to see her fly away on that harness at the end.

I thought it was going to be an Eggo ad cut like a horror movie. How disappointing.

Fears of protesters? I thought they were just "snowflakes", what are these guys afraid of?

I don't usually like droney post-rock stuff but every now and then I'm in the mood for it, and Noveller scratches that itch pretty well. Oddisee is pretty good so I'm looking forward to that. Otherwise, a lot of stuff I'm not super into, or just not familiar with. Which isn't all bad, it means I get to listen to

I heard a few of them work outside the home!