The AE86 of Mt. Akina (Hachi)

So, a 20 year old BMW with covered up bullet holes or a semi-nice house in Orange County.


Every day is a slow news day now.


It still is. Jokes make light of dire situations, no need to be somber.

Honestly, I think Chevy can do this again but with the Alpha platform. It would be cool to have a Camaro 4 door without having to stoop to buying a Cadillac.

Yeah, I kind of agree. I get that driverless tech will make public roads safer, but it has no place in racing.

We get 900hp factory muscle cars. That’s where the benefits end.

As of now I couldn’t even afford a V6 Foxbody/SN95

haha no

My HOA just pitched in money to paint an elderly couple’s house.

I’m just waiting for someone to reproduce VW pans. Imagine the possibilities.

I feel left out having an HOA that’s actually reasonable.

I’m buying a B13 SE-R as a first car soon.

Happy that Toyota is trying to rid themselves of their bean counting attitude.

Camaro IROC 2.0

He meant modding the ECU to accomodate higher octane fuel to get more power.

If I see another Electric bug I’ll put an LS1 in an RX7 Spirit R.

Suzuki Coalurai

Excuse that comment, I’m a Hyundai shill.