
Posehn is one to talk, as he looks like he'd reek of a combination of reheated Macaroni and Cheese, B.O.. and sweaty regret.

Your dismissal of Goldenthal's amazing instrumental score as being "serviceable" is, well, laughable. The movie is deeply flawed, but the score is absolutely beautiful, taking the gothic elements of Elfman's theme to new heights. Interestingly enough he found himself in a similar situation with Alien3, where his

Well thanks for taking the effort to expand on your thoughts.

The best part of the episode was when they highlight the racial differences between the jurors. All the black jurors want to watch Martin over Seinfeld. In the next scene, OJ is playing poker in jail, and he's in the middle of raving about a Seinfeld episode he just watched. I thought it was a clever touch to show

I forgot to mention how Lip took his little brothers to a big college party in one of the previous episodes — and IIRC it showed them drinking beer, or at least implied as much. Soooo…he gets all worked up over Fiona allowing his brother to get into a stash of cocaine, but it's cool for him to take the same kid to a

It's not. It's called an opinion, and it's my opinion that if you really feel I'm wrong about all of these things, your tastes - or at least expectations - simply aren't the same as mine. One other thing I forgot to mention in my TL;DR rant is how embarrassing the whole storyline with the redhaired daughter is: the

I can't believe you guys are raving about this season. It is a perfect example of how Showtime in particular tends to let its finer series flounder after strong early seasons (also see Californication, Dexter, etc.). The way they have forced bland new characters into the mix (like the annoying daughter of Frank's,

Blah, blah, blah. An article in search of a point. At the end of the day, most of these bands are fucking awesome, and have albums (like Superunknown or In Utero) that will stand the test of time and be discussed many years later. Grunge? Who gives a fuck? It's just good music, so stick this pretentious bullshit.

Thought this episode was one of the best in years. I loved the randomness and how it eventually all connected together. Some people seem to have issues with the supposed lack of focus, but I actually loved how interspersed everything was. The Canadian queef subplot had me in stitches, and I *loathed* the old

I like the show, but they try a little too hard to make Merchant's character completely unlikable. The key to a show like this is to have a central character who is relatable and empathetic. That's why the UK Office worked so well, because despite all of David Brent's horrible and selfish actions, Tim and Dawn offered

I've been aware of Posehn's comedy for years, but unlike his alt-comedy contemporaries whom I love (Oswalt, Cross, et al), I've always been strangely apathetic towards him. I don't really find him that funny. I tried to give him a chance — I bought his comedy record and listened to it twice years ago, hoping I'd find