the actual moon

damn girl, you must be on a mission to wear out the word “woke.”

i too lol’ed at the idea of a blogger telling people to keep their annoying thoughts to themselves...

humans need water, must make them believe I am human...

oikos yogurt?

someone married that mouse guy?

yeah but is it WOKE?

dude just no you. it can also be an innocent question. i have no way of telling what this guy meant by it. i bet neither do you.

we had kool-aid in our cul-de-sac because everyone had kool-aid in our cul-de-sac. i’m sure at one point one parent asked another parent if they would make the kool-aid. it’s not such a crazy story.

so what if, and just bear with me here, but what if he actually wondered if she made kool-aid. i drank kool-aid in the summer when i was little. a lot of kool-aid. summer = kool-aid. i’m white. wtf is the big deal.

i have never, not once, thought cheerleaders bring anything to a professional sports event. furthermore, i have never heard anyone (man, woman, child) anywhere (home, bar, airport, friend’s house, etc) say anything about cheerleaders. i personally can’t believe a grown ass woman would want to do something like wear a

hillary is basically a windsock, blowing whichever way the wind blows

in the post game interview, even though lefort was speaking french, he was still more intelligible than salvador perez.

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhh, okay. got it.

i don’t get it but i like it

i don’t doubt for a second that hillary clinton is without a strategy. what i do doubt, however, is that she has even a tenth of the conviction that sanders does about many of the issues that seem like they will be central to this election. i think i remember reading another gawker article somewhere that referred to

hmmm, well, i haven’t personally seen any information that would suggest he is borderline xenophobic or against all manner of immigration á la Marine Le Pen (maybe you wouldn’t make that comparison, but she’s the first person I thought of), but I am still in my “fact-finding” stage...

clearly you’ve never heard of legoland ;)

i vaguely remember the sabotaging of the kerry campaign. while kerry might have been painted as boring, fairly or unfairly, i don’t really see how you could say the same of sanders. i love watching that guy!

the thing about sanders, though, is that i feel like if you get him on a stage with clinton (no dummy, i agree) or biden or anyone from the republican clown car, you will see how grotesquely politician-like they are by comparison. i don’t think hillary has any platform of substance (yet), at least none that i know of.

i’m curious to know if he actually has any ideas about the things you have mentioned. i for one had no idea that corporations were influencing our elementary schools.