
Companies sell to EA for exposure, marketing, publishing and money. Using BioWare as an example, Mass Effect 2 and 3 on PS3 as well as 360 and PC was an enormous win for them and subsequently the Mass Effect fanbase. Without EA, SW:ToR wouldn't have been a possibility.

I dunno. Molyneux was the head of Lionhead Studios, and when he spoke his wild, ultimately untrue statements for whichever game they were making, it was so people would buy the game. Since that was monetary gain for his company, I'd say it still counts as false advertising.

Hillary is smart as all get out, and still really pretty too. I'd take her out to a nice seafood dinner.

'We have an opportunity to eliminate some high ranking enemy personnel.'

If you're playing a match with a Vanguard equipped with a Geth Plasma Shotgun, prepare to watch them rack up all the points.

True story. I tried explaining that to my friends, and then finally showed them the statistics. Numbers don't lie.

It's a start, but we need more like her.

You raise good points, but the first impression from the game - the cover - is a white, bald grizzled space marine. Same thing when you boot it up, when you're told to 'create' your Shepard, you're presented first with the default white, bald grizzled space marine. I met a guy at a concert with an N7 hat, struck up a

He'd probably sound sexist either way.

I would have no idea who this guy was if it wasn't for Seinfeld.

Sexual Chocolate! They play so fine, don't you agree?

I loved the RDR ending. I thought I hated playing as Jack, but realized I wasn't invested in him. I cared about John, Jack just is... there.

On on of my first jazz gigs our lead trombone player (some beast of a player who was in his 50s, I was just 19) told me, "It's not how well you play or how many wrong notes you hit, it's how well you can cover up your mistakes." Best musical advice I'd ever gotten and I'm damn sure to tell all my students the same

Modes are kind of difficult to wrap your head around (at least it is for me) but I'm told that once it clicks, you're on another level. Music theory for the win!

I will send BioWare a cupcake if they can get the fix for the face import. That's all I care about right now. Why isn't there more rage over this?!?!

There's a difference between what you NEED and what you're USED TO.

I was spotting those raccoons!

I just bought a set of Astro A40's about 2 months back since I'm going to be traveling with my Xbox more often. It was a good investment, very very comfortable and sound phenomenal.

This reminded me of how fun a game Bayonetta was. i think I'll go play it again soon. You know, after my other 5 Mass Effect playthroughs.

I agree. Either that or another Final Fantasy spin-off that won't see release after 7-10 years.