
What counts as rewarding customers that buy new, and punishing those who buy used? Where I see a reward, someone else might see a punishment.

Got it. I know when I got to the end I wasn't thinking 'I bet this would have turned out different if I had the salarians on my side all my choices aren't relevant now' or something like that but I can understand better now where lots of fans are coming from.

So ultimately, most fans want more ending cut-scene options with more detailed explanations of the ramifications of the final choices? Or do fans want a flat out different ending leading up the the final choices?

I would post the 'MJ Eating Popcorn' gif, but I've always had terrible luck posting anything image related here. That gif makes me chuckle every time.

You probably will. I didn't change my Shepard from ME1 to ME2 (why would I need too?) and I had to rebuild a new Shepard. He looks close to my original, but it's just not the same :(

Then either Korea or Japan would rule the planet. Likely South Korea.

He struck a chord with voters when he promised to not go a on a killing spree.

My main guy is Mal. After Malcolm Reynolds. I'd rename the Normandy into Serenity if I could. I don't remember the names of my other 3 characters.

I said from the get-go the Wii U should be called 'Super Nintendo HD'


You are absolutely right. I failed. This guy, right here, FAIL. Let me try again.

I would so buy a game where Daxter says, 'SUPER GREEN!'

I agree. Just like every time there's a sad scene or a huge climatic battle, suddenly RAIN EVERYWHERE

Logical fallacy? If you support a cause, you should stick by it. The fact is there were lots of people in the boycott groups that bought and played L4D2/MW2. Logically, if you're boycotting a game, then you shouldn't buy it. If I tell you I'm boycotting Apple, you wouldn't expect to see me with an iPhone. If I tell

In general western games have very broad, orchestral and cinematic music behind them (you could place a lot of those soundtracks in summer blockbusters and it wouldn't be out of place at all) while music out of Japanese composers is very melody driven, or has a common theme tying them together. Some people might call

Or you could be Kramer on the episode 'The Summer of George' in season 8 and be swept up in the entourage to accept a Tony.

Backwards baseball cap? Check.

And the the bullet ricocheted off her and hit me in the hand, causing me to drop my hat!


Land of the Lost!