
Dave Chappelle can be applied to any and all life situations

'Go outside a get a switch off the tree. And you better not bring back no small one either!'

You win. Brilliant.

Regardless of whether this is successful or not, I give them props for actually putting their money where their mouth is and putting a product out.

Now it's personal


I have a feeling that if Dell, Sony, HP or any other large PC manufacturer did any of these things first no one would really care. Sometimes I wish the other hardware manufacturers would beat Apple to the punch, instead of waiting to see what they do and then rush to copy it.

Not at all. I like both Mark Meer AND Jennifer Hale. They both do awesome Shepards.

Dang, this would be great with WP7, because of the XBL integration built in already. Alas, I am punished for diversifying. Well maybe not punished, but sometimes it sure does feel like it.

It's funny because it's true.

Most of the CEO's and Presidents of companies don't care about security until it's too late.

Glad I read the comments, cuz I was SO about to do this. Well done! Hope you win

To be honest I'm sad that the PS2 BC was taken out, but seriously I've got my old PS2 plus it's STILL selling. So I quickly got over it. I could care less about the OtherOS

I wonder if LIKE is taken already?

Without comparison shots it's kinda difficult. ME2 was 2 years ago.

I agree, I'd hate for it to be exactly the abilities we've seen before with a different skin on them. I mean, I'd expect the Asari's biotic powers would recharge way faster than a Drell's, but the Drell's have better aim and/or reflexes.

That's EXACTLY what I was going for! Way to catch that :)

Super Nintendo 2

1950's Freakazoid

You're absolutely right, Microsoft has gotta start building from scratch. But if anyone has enough cash to beat Apple at R&D, it's Microsoft. Especially now that Steve Ballmer has made the various divisions not so insular, I'm excited about what they got coming.