I... but... I just... how...
I... but... I just... how...
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Instant votes and support from young adults about to leave college or recently graduated. Or even had to drop out because the debt was insurmountable for them.
Beat me to it. Good 'ol Mc'Dowells, home of the Big Mick.
The more love for Windows Phone, the better. Haters gonna hate, Windows phone is awesome.
But... but... Mass Effect 3!!!
Not enough cash stranger!!
You know what my first thought about the leak was?
This will only work if textbook publishers don't price their digital versions at $140.
"Enough calibrations, Garrus!"
Looking at the PS2, I'm willing to bet that in Nintendo still made SNES's they'd be on that list too.
To some people the Final Fantasy brand is synonymous with the PlayStation. Which is understandable, I guess.
They look weird, but I'm a sucker for a woman with nice legs in heels. DEM LEGS
"It's ok, I'm a leaf on the wind!"
Mmmmmm mmmmm bitch!
I believe it was Calvin who said, 'The surest sign that there is intelligent life in the universe is that none of them have tried to contact us."
Just finished Deus Ex (finally - awesome game) and now New Vegas with bits of Assassins Creed Revelations in between until Mass Effect 3 hits. After Mass 3, SKYRIM. Skyrim SO HARD. Gives time for those patches and the patches for the previous patches to get out.
I would certainly buy one. I need to go get component cables for my PS2.
Does the Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition Kollect Kratos as well as Krueger for the PS3?