

Mmmmm mmm bitch!

You have great points however I think it's a act of courtesy. If the person interviewing you is checking messages or answering normal, non-urgent calls, then you aren't getting their full attention.

I don't know about y'all, but I'm not ready for development costs and consequently game costs to go up with this next generation.

Was it the 'Bounce'?

Action Comics!

New physics I can understand, but did they really need new graphics? I thought Ep. 1 looked fine. Quite good, actually.

Yessir! WP7 for the win!

But Minish Cap was awesome!

Not everyone who read Giz reads Reddit. Just sayin'

Personally, I'm kind of glad Nintendo isn't doing the same thing as everyone else. I love my Zelda and my Mario just as much I do my Gears of War and my Batman and my Assassins Creed. Diversity is the way to go.

A LoZ game set during the Hylian Wars would be pretty neat

You're points are valid, but you're more likely to be the exception, not the rule.

Hope this works!

But how many units did the DS sell in its first 9 months?

dang, ninja'd (remember when the internet used to say that? good times)

Now playing

I thought I was fool for no one, but oh baby I'm a fool for you

I hope the ability to sprint continuously (or at least long periods) isn't confined to the Soldier class only

Tara Strong's best voice work. EVER.

Game of the Goddamn Year right there.