
They say great science is built on the shoulders of giants - not here. At Aperture we do all our science from scratch; no hand holding.

It ain't broken for him, so why would he switch? If I have a working Honda, why would I go buy a BMW even though it's technically a better vehicle?

Classic Sonic (and Classic Tails) are both adorable as all get out. I love seeing him get it S rank; it just absolutely melts my heart. I say that with no shame.

Don't copy that floppy!!

Keep it, and buy multiplayer games for 360. That's what I do. For games that are multiplat, I tend to play the single player focused games on the PS3, and multiplayer focused games I play on the 360. That way, my Gold doesn't get wasted and all my consoles get played regularly.

People go to predict the death of consoles and how mobile gaming is the next big thing, but then Call of Duty goes on the be the biggest selling thing is the history of ever. If Activision and Apple strike a deal, THEN we can start to worry.

Now playing

As long as this guy is still in it, I'm sold.

Nice reference!

It seems like Uncharted will win. Remember when Uncharted 2 was up against all those big games back in 2009? Don't get it twisted, I love me some Uncharted but my only gripe about it is sometimes it feels like more summer blockbuster movie than it does game. Let the man just walk 20 feet without something exploding!

So I go to Barnes & Nobles, buy a book (let's use the 7th Harry Potter for example). I read it, enjoy it, maybe read it a 2nd time. Then I decide to sell it to Half Price Books. Someone else comes to Half Price Books, picks up the book and takes it to the counter to find out that Scholastic has come by ripped out the


Let's get dangerous!

Giggity giggity...

New TV or Mass Effect Assault Rifle? Since I play Infiltrator, gotta go with the new TV. Come find me when you've got a 1:1 sniper rifle EA.

I see what you did there!

I just upgraded to the Focus on our business account! You're killing me AT&T!

Proposed solution (which I'm sure others have said before): sell the extra content separately, and lower the price of the product without it. To use Arkham City as an example sell the version with Catwoman for $60, and the version without for $50. I suppose it would be more in production costs though.

Gen X loves it when you call him Big Poppa.