
Having girl problems? I feel bad for you son.


Which is true, but if you speak up, it seems like it's lost amidst the other voices and just sounds like complaints with no suggestions.

I see what you did there! Nice!

This would make a great 'Shop Contest

True story. I'd LOVE to see another Metroid Prime Trilogy (that stays on shelves more than like 2 months) in HD.

This baby loves the slop!

I got nothing against that. I like to buy new, I never said I was going to buy it used. I got a problem with them putting single player content that's part of the campaign behind a code. Like I said, I wasn't sure if it's extra side missions or not. But how long with it be before pieces of the campaign or the final

Yes. You want to play as The Animated Series Batman is one playthrough and Batman Beyond Batman in another and then play the Robin challenge rooms? You're going to have to pre-order the game twice from two different retailers and then buy the Collector's Edition as well.

Same here. I did it once on casual and got to round 16 or so. Trying to fight 2 Berserkers plus all the other guys isn't fun at all. Matter of fact, I kept having to redo that wave until it spawned Reavers.

We knew it was only a matter of time before the online pass bit made it's way into single player. I really want Arkham City. I really really do. But damnit, I can't condone this or let it slide. Sorry Rocksteady and moreso Warner Bros., you just lost a sale.

And don't ride in anything with a Capasan Engine, they fall right out of the sky!

'The DOOP struck dark matter on Vergon 6, not realizing that it wasn't a natural resource, but centuries of Nibblonian fecal matter.'

Mr. Jones. Mr. Smith. Does anyone remember the MiB Animated Series? I think it was on Kids WB when it was still decent.

The Lairs of Romulus were great, but that armor was absolutely HIDEOUS. I ended up just wearing the Seusenhofer armor with the black outfit so Ezio looked like an actual Master Assassin and not some goofball in fur.

While I do think you over-reacted a bit, I respect your decision and the realization that the only way to truly vote against it is with your wallet.

Now playing

I was gonna complain that co-op wasn't necessary, but all is forgiven because of Casey Hudson's Seinfeld reference.

You have a valid point, lots of people bought a Wii, only played Wii Sports and right now their console is sitting there collecting dust. But the fact still remains that they bought a Wii. And go look at the used PS2 game selection at a used game store. There's PLENTY of shovelware for it too. I'm not defending the

I agree on one condition. Nokia/Microsoft show off this amazing phone, but it has to be available within the month, while people are still excited for it. Microsoft has a bad habit of showing off something totally awesome, but you're not able to buy it for like a year (or they kill it off)

Just remember, there's no such thing as a free lunch. More people may be offering 'free' wi-fi, but I can guarantee you that you're paying for it one way or another. I doubt Starbucks drinks would be that expensive if they didn't provide wi-fi.