
'Siri, what is the best way to kill a man?'

My body is ready. So VERY ready.

I started with an iPhone 3G, then went to the Samsung Captivate and will be getting a Windows Phone just to say I've had and used all 3 major OS's. Lets see where everyone is in two years when upgrade time rolls around again.

I would spring. Go ahead and bite the bullet now and get it over with

+1, so hard.

Didn't Intel announce Thunderbolt for Windows a few weeks back? That'll boost the number of devices for it

Hate to hear you were in the hospital, but glad to hear you're doing well and recovering fully.

Trust me, there are plenty of us out there. As a matter of fact most religious people are like that. It's one of those 'few idiots tarnishing the image of all' deals.

Greatest movie ever!

I don't remember Gears 1 very well but I know in Gears 2 at the end they alluded that Anya and Marcus had feelings for each other.

I would have like a little more info about the Sires from GoW2 and Queen Myrrah (why does she look so different from the rest of the Locust? And HOT on top of that?!) but I haven't dived into the books or comics yet so maybe those questions are answered there. I tried reading the Gears Wiki but that white on black

Now that we've had our fill of the Zombie Apocalypse, we need a Vampire Apocalypse game.

I never played the original Syndicate. Let me get that out the way right now.

Step 1: Take picture.

Alright, now off to the 25 Years of Metroid Display!

Don't forget his doctorate in Art History!

Oh Shiggy. This made my morning all the better.

With a mini-game where you have to wait at a Chinese restaurant!

Assassin Pumps! Greatest invention ever!

I feel the same way when I watch Firefly and Chappelle Show :(