
If true, it's a neat feature the will work the same way FaceTime did; most folks will use is a few times, and then completely ignore it.

Yes, me and my friends start at one store (either Best Buy or Fry's) to see the initial crazy rush and then go to other retailers from there. While I'm thinking about it...

I thought the boss battles with The Metroid Queen and Phantoon were awesome.

I respect that. Make your pricing competitive with Netflix (on both streaming and DVD) and you'll be an honest competitor. Don't underestimate the power of brand value, but don't bet TOO much on it either.

Sorry I stopped reading the letter at POGS and instantly went back to middle school. POGS were THE SHIT.

That's 100% Cambodian, man!

So this is the fabled dubstep? I've heard about it everywhere, but never actually heard any. This particular song is neat; It's got a nice groove to it.


Preach my brother, PREACH! Each have their respective place and yes both can learn from each other, but all the 'OMG consoles are going to die because Apple and Facebook are the biggest things ever' is absurd. Ludicrous, even.

That's funny. Now how are they going to punish the stores for breaking the rules and selling their game early?

Heck yeah the IT Crowd!

Dat nose

Nope, enjoyed it. Plain and simple. I don't think it holds up as well over time as the Wind Waker, but it's still a great game.

All I learned from Seinfeld is that 9/10 store owners in New York are dicks. Just ask my friend Bob Sacamano.

If I remember from high school US History correctly, the White House wasn't built until the 2nd or 3rd president. Right around John Adams or something like that.

Whereabouts did you find this tip? I've been banging my head against a brick wall trying to figure this out for OSX.

Braver man than I.

Super Sonic as a bonus instead of part of the story would be great.

I agree with everyone that SA was more fun than GTA4. I would also agree that a remake for SA would be amazing and blow my mind. But it (likely) won't happen, for the same reason Square won't redo FF7. It would just be too blasted expensive to redo.

Logical thinking?! And a well thought out comment?! Get outta here!!!!!