
Same here. Have had the family plan since it was available and really do not like YT music. I’m also curious how this is going to work with Android Auto, as YT is not available on my car screen.

Soundtracks, concert recordings and all kinds of other music I bought over the years and years.

Hello Spotify my old friend.

I don’t know why this irks me so much because the mighty Goog is notorious for this behavior, but...

What absolutely miserable human beings these people reporting her must be

These are people who lost a child two years ago. Foul play was not suspected.. He is dead, they are grieving and merely seeking closure. Can you really not understand? People mke dfferent choices ran you would, frequently. Do your best from now forward not to question how others choose to manage their grief.

yeaaaah I only want a few of the characters but what they want from me in terms of skills largely doesn't overlap. I cringe when I get things "wrong" but also am learning to accept it lol

If you go to a place that knows what they are doing, they have appropriate sized balls and straws! :) 

Wtf are you talking about? Is MLK no longer from Georgia because he was murdered? This article makes zero fucking sense. We're all super proud of how upset you got tho. 

I was going to google Ouya to make some jokes about that but then this happened and that’s good enough for me

Imagined sample from memo draft: “In this tariff war current business climate, we may take a hit from larger tariffs new resource allocations may result in a higher cost for customers. Don’t leave us even though we voted for Trump and therefore this trade war We appreciate your loyalty to Trump and us confidence in

Even the cabling infrastructure company I work for included a new tab on our P&Ls to customers about the increased cost of tariffs. Nice to know that our CEOs personal income may be hit after he nudged his employees in a letter to go vote for Trump in 2016.

No one said they were. In fact, he specifically mentioned the 60 day buffer and the severance.

If you put the head from Reaper into any outfit other than that black suit, you’d think he was a random lumberjack or hipster or whatever.

Robin Mullen, Ducky Lasek, Geoff Crowley, Blue Jay Burnquist, Steve Caba-Oriole, Kareem Cardinal, Dove Muska, Eric Condor, and Tony Hawk.....

You know a movie rating never stopped kids from seeing R rated movies. Especially teenagers. All you need is a parent or other adult who doesn’t give a shit about keeping kids away from R rated movies.

And this is why I’m still using pirated CS 6

It feels like another pile of fake outrage that feeds upon itself for energy. An instance where completely missing the point begets anger.