
Oh wow and yet when I made claims that cheating was a big deal on previous articles including in the competitive scene and that it was crazy to have qualifying for prize tournaments online. Especially in the day and age where you have scripts and usb devices such as cronusmax that are undetectable if people know wjat

It absolutely blows my mind that Japanese drug discourse makes DARE look evidence-based. A friend who lives in Tokyo told me a while back that the overwhelming mainstream perception of drugs in Japan is that being at all involved with that stuff automatically means you’re a straight up evil person, and that prejudice

Yes, but the Switch is more portable.

Yeah, I tried to play the PC port of Final Fantasy IV a few months ago and the battles ran at a locked 15 frames per second. And obviously the FFV/FFVI ports look atrocious to anyone who’s played the originals. I just don’t understand what they’re doing over there.

Square Enix’s ports of these classic games have been an absolute joke. It would be one thing if they’d botched one or two of them then gotten their act together, but it’s every single time they release one. And they always seem to be asking at least $30 for a 20+ year old games.

And that would have happened almost immediately, but very likely he’d have veered onto the shoulder, been honked at, rubbed a guard rail, or something to wake his ass up. I’ve been dumb and driven while tired but rumble strips or the terror of my eyes shutting has always jolted me awake and convinced me to pull over. 

He would have had to have done something to the car to defeat the steering-wheel torque sensors. This doesn’t happen by accident, by design.

Sure there is.  If he hadn’t defeated the safety features the car is supposed to fucking stop.

Everyone is ragging on this dude, but I kind of feel like he just accidentally fell asleep on a long, boring drive and didn’t die because the car was driving itself.

How do we know this guy didn’t have a heart attack or something? Is there a conclusion to this incident?

It’s Doom, you can already play it in VR via GZDoom! :D


Says way more about you than it does about the episode.

Thank you for sharing. Very informative.

Perhaps that’s why most movies only have the one narrative and end the same way no matter how many times you watch it?

Bandersnatch was great. That said, if nobody ever makes an interactive piece of television again, this delay will have been worth it.

I’ve banned a lot of people in my 10+ years working video game support, so I’ll submit two stories, both from the same company:

“Don’t point out the bad things about stuff I like!”