

Let’s takeaway that it was a stunt by their russian team, years ago?

^——Old news is old?

Those thW Witcher listings, though. . .

Those thW Witcher listings, though. . .

Now sitting at over 100,000 down-votes, hahaha

If you have the CD key.... you SHOULD be able to..................................... no?

I read the response as sarcasm/HEY I WAS MENTIONED, COOL. ... but... I could be the outlier, here.

Or, you know, the -whole- series? ... this reminds me of Nintendo’s way of bringing over ‘River City Ransom’ back in the days of the NES. T_T. I found out years later the games I played in separate were ORIGINALLY all tied together... but... that was all killed by “localization teams.”

Sounds like a solid open-and-close slander case. :P. At least you aren't a John Smith, eh?

didn't foam *well.

and uh.........................6 months later? *still holding out for updates*

But... it's the gift that keeps on GIF-ing?
