This person’s entire comment history is just variations on the same comment, probably a Russian teen getting paid to depress turnout on the left.
This person’s entire comment history is just variations on the same comment, probably a Russian teen getting paid to depress turnout on the left.
Your comment can easily apply to Trump supporters and that’s something that aggrieved progressives should genuinely think about. At some point you have to realize that even though your policies are better for the country, the culture of victimization and grievances is only shooting yourself in the foot because it…
“Dark and gritty” and “Fantastic Four” do not belong anywhere near each other. Even if Trank got his way and made the film he wanted, it still wouldn’t be a good Fantastic Four film.
Miles Teller shouldn’t be in movies. Except ones where an infinitely better actor is constantly abusing him, because that never gets old.
It is truly something, isn’t it? This person is committed to responding 4,233 times a day and saying the same old tired shit over and over again.
This sounds typical for the left-wing playbook. “Oh, we don’t have the votes to elect our preferred candidates, and the vast majority of Americans overwhelmingly reject our policy positions? Then burn it all down!!” Mature.
We have an example of what a movie looks like if you give unfettered creative control to a recently famous person in their early 20s, and we call it... Cool as Ice.
Reade is saying she didn’t file a complaint? That is news...source?
I supported Warren in the primary with Bernie being my second choice and I’ll say this for myself: It’s not just that she’s changing her story, it’s the burning of the evidence of earlier stories and the fact that the two people who corroborate her story are her brother- who said nothing about it initially, then talked…
Yep, if you can’t get radical change right away the next best option is to give up entirely. That makes sense, it’s a lot better than incremental change.
A very helpful article talking about how horrible he Is and that we’ve been here before and therefore pushing more voters In the ‘he’s just as bad as trump’ camp and will stay home - just like 2016. Great reporting!
And once again, Esther’s daily attempt to kneecap Joe Biden and help Trump get re-elected.
“Voting is a chess move not a valentine”
Another long, bitter diatribe about Joe Biden, who has the most progressive platform out of any Democratic nominee for President, ever.
No i think the fact that it’s a seven month window is what makes this situation a bit crazy and if we want Biden to do anything we need a few more specific details jogged loose about it.
The funny part is that it didn’t have to be this way for the left.
I look forward to Bottle of Dick Cream replying on every thread of this article. Dick Cream is the ultimate women's advocate and seems to have an obsession with Tara Reade articles. Thanks, Dick Cream.