I think in that case the officer was actually of Indian or Sikh background.
I think in that case the officer was actually of Indian or Sikh background.
The problem for your argument is that there’s “valid criticism” and then there’s “here’s a dozen links to my other anti-Democratic shitpieces,” which is all this pile of argle-bargle amounts to.
Esther, you truly are The Worst. You’re the Britta.
OF COURSE Esther Wang utilizes The Intercept as a source. Anti-Democrats and their shady allies gotta stick together, amiright?
The Pricks, as I always thought of them.
You folks aren’t the base. Deluding yourselves into thinking you were is the biggest mistake you made, followed by investing your hopes in a lying old white man who fled to NYC because the city was becoming too diverse for him. Enjoy your Free Nothing.
“Why isn’t this money-obsessed stripper not singing about social justice?” isn’t quite the deep thought you imagined it was, Jack-Off Handy.
So sorry, Mr Shitforbrains, that Cardi “Get that bag” B isn’t actually the strong ambassador for social justice that you think she is.
Talk about some revisionist history nonsense. Hip-hop has ALWAYS been about conspicuous consumption and the glorification of the accumulation of wealth.
There was one roast where Nikki Glaser joked that “Jeff somehow manages to date 10s, I mean, teens.”
Sweet Jeebus, but the lengths this site won’t go to in order to continue denying that their boy Kanye West is straight trash.
That plot twist with Sydney Bristow’s roommate being replaced by an evil spy is still one of the best ever in all of television, IMO.
Don’t you ever get tired of having to generate so much performative fauxtrage over nothingburger comments? I sure get tired of reading it.
This. The self-positive age of the nerd, where it was OK to like what you liked unashamedly, has given way to the endlessly-negative age of the turd, who hates seeing other people happy. (And they all seem to work at Jezebel.)
You elevate someone who said that “the only position for women in the movement is prone” to hero status?
Yeah, because performative fauxgressives never attack liberals for anything...
The Stokely Carmichael who said that the only position for a woman in the move is “prone?” That guy?
“She owes us for that”
Ha, good one, Comment Section Nobody.
The amount of digging you did here just to prove yourself wrong...