Citation please. You have no credibility on making wild claims like this.
Citation please. You have no credibility on making wild claims like this.
Someone had to take over Splinter’s role as G/O Media’s inflamed butthole, and it looks like Esther Wang volunteered Jezebel.
Because trust-fund-supported bloggers like Esther Wang still think they’re “the voice of the people,” that’s why. They’re not, but they’re paid to pretend otherwise.
Sorry, Bri-Bri Jr, but Bernie Sanders is too busy skipping every May vote in the Senate to do anything other than count the millions of dollars he scammed out of those young people.
“White guy gets show he doesn’t deserve, but it’s really good, guys, we swear!”
The only real “comedy” here is author’s assertion that Zack Snyder has any pull in the comedy world aside from being the butt of endless jokes about his hackneyed body of work.
Why are you claiming this like you were in the car when it happened?
Jezebel increasingly seems like they’re expecting Joe Biden to prove a negative rather than expecting Reade to be able to prove anything.
“Believe all women,” except these women landlords who are exposing Reade as a dishonest manipulator, apparently.
Tara Reade’s pattern of dishonesty IS relevant though. “Believe all women” apparently doesn’t apply to women whose accounts don’t support Reade’s rape claim, I can’t help but notice. Many of these landlords are women too, after all, but Jezebel has no qualms about painting them as liars for not parroting Reade’s…
She brought forth witnesses that she reminded of her story, not witnesses who remembered it on their own. Witnesses who were literally coached by left-wing Bernie supporter Nathan Robinson on what to say and how to say it. Witnesses who changed their answers to interview questions via text message giving reporters no…
What article? So relevant that you didn’t link it, huh?
The most common thread across all G/O Media sites is a virulent strain of anti-Democratic sentiment.
Indeed. What the fuck has happened to supposedly rational-thinking liberals, that so many appear to be living trapped within their darker emotions these days like so many aging conservatives do?
Ill be voting, but only because I have friends/family directly affected by Trumps presidency.
Pop pop!
The realy funny part about Paget Brewster is that she showed up in season 5 as some admin running the college’s web filter before re-appearing in season 6 as Frankie.
“filthy casual”
Bernie Sanders is the only candidate I trusted.
When did it become ANY political party’s role to rescue people from their own poor decisions?