There’s no pedigree that immunizes someone from the societal responsibility of not disrupting public events that others have paid to enjoy along with you.
There’s no pedigree that immunizes someone from the societal responsibility of not disrupting public events that others have paid to enjoy along with you.
Even the usual level heads on Lawyers, Guns, & Money let me down today by pushing this bullshit narrative that it’s more important for her to be “honest” about Bryant than to give his family even a modicum of personal time.
And once again, the “woke left” (not here, but elsewhere) shows its true colors by insisting that it’s more important for people like Sonmez to be allowed to be “honest” about Bryant’s life in the literal hours since his death than it is for his family to receive the news in privacy and get even a brief window of time…
Just a reminder that one of his daughters was on board with him.
How old would she be on the deadlines for filing in every state in America? Traditionally, “I’ll be old enough by election time” doesn’t cut it. Turning 35 a week before Election Day probably isn’t going to work out for her.
Or even better, I’ll use my phone too much on the flight and not have a pass when it’s time to board my connection.
So you’re cosigning misogyny now? Gross.
Your take is bad and you should feel bad.
The Department of Why You Gotta Bring Up Old Shit?
According to the tenets of the socialism that Sanders claims to follow, we ALL own those three houses, not him.
Isn’t it rather ironic how much Sanders is trying to rely on the same call for party unity that he encouraged his supporters to ignore in 2016?
I’ve been here longer than your ass
And also terrible. You forgot “terrible.”
Then there’s the most chaotic step-sibling sexual relationship in recent pop culture memory: Kathryn and Sebastian in Cruel Intentions.
“Does an ant have a quarrel with a boot?”
I see Jezebel’s one-sided feud with Joe Biden continues to be fueled by lies and distortion in order to keep it alive past its sell-by date.
The dishonest way in which you pin GWB’s economic mess on Obama is shameful, but typical of the ignorant mindset that fuels today’s worst version of progressivism. It’s good that genuine liberals can see through your GOP-Lite tactics and aren’t lining up for more revolution Kool-Aid.
“and has prevailed”