Existence's Best Boss

It’s just so weird that the business models for streaming services and broadcast networks could be so different. Streaming services routinely renew series that haven’t even aired one episode yet (and are often more “prestige” with inherently higher price tags), but there were still new broadcast shows getting quick

It’s no Peepz-and-candy chili, but it will do. 

Maybe we’ll learn that some of our team cockroach have earned ascension to the next higher plane, and some have still another round to go.

You’re missing the entire point that in the end Michael got through to Shawn via empathy and understanding what was really motivating him, not self-righteous condescension. That ultimately Shawn was a lonely individual looking for others to fill his existence with, the same as Team Cockroach.

Democratic turnout in 2018 puts lie to the claim that the Democratic nominee is the sole motivator of people who vote. 

Remember Jillian Michael’s original nose?

They also cast that guy from the American Pie movies as the doctor and he died pretty early too, if I recall correctly. 

I randomly caught one of his new songs on the radio and was struck by how the rhyming structure was a copy from a song back off of his second album. Dude’s regressing, just give him time to finish imploding. 

Her American equivalent would be Nina Turner. 

Often times in budgeted projects, not just video games, if you want to add something you have to cut something from the plan.

Not all this political cancel culture fueled drivel.

Online petition- OK!

My favorite part is Tulsi not even getting a number.