Existence's Best Boss

I don’t understand this entitlement that someone is supposed to spend their time and effort to set up a game that you get to play for free.

“Well I personally haven’t experienced this type of expression of homophobia, so it can’t possibly really be homophobia at all.”

The casting director for the movie hired a child who is a deliberate Egon look-a-like. You may have to come to terms with the fact that this “internet bullshit” is probably true.

And if they do re-cast Bond as a woman, do they have to then create a stable of “Bond dudes” or “Bond men” for her to have relations with?

Ghostbusters Babies, we make pointless sequels come true

A desperate ploy to tap into the Stranger Things audience. The casting of a Stranger Things child actor is a pretty big giveaway of their intentions.

It’s because everyone responds to call him out and then upvotes the callouts. He’s milking the system and we’re all playing into his hands. 

He fished for replies with tempting bait and got some. And because the replies got so many stars, he’s basically one of the top comments now.

You’re talking about an incredibly disruptive program that would functionally eliminate or decimate multiple segments of the economy.

You have no idea how much my mind was blown to find out that the scrawny “I’m not going to launch those ships... Captain’s orders” guy from Civil War was Jeremy Fucking Simmons from Community. Dude’s got range, that’s for sure.

Yeah, but he’s not wrong. 

‘Cooperative Polygraphy’ would be an instant classic episode if not for the over-use of the “Pierce’s sperm” joke. Aside from that, it’s a great episode. 

Haaaaaaaaaaam, girl!

THIS is false equivalency.

It comes down to the art and the context of the role. 

Scarlett Johansson can get nearly any role she wants in any movie.

“I won, so now I’m leaving.”

just to try to win an internet argument

You clearly think it’s a simple idea based on something you read, but it’s not. As I’ve already explained it clearly, I’ll leave it to you to catch up.

Doesn’t make sense to consider paying to see a movie as a “waste” when one has driven to a theater. Just because the guy didn’t read his ticket instructions well enough doesn’t mean that his movie night had to be spoiled. He chose to spoil it.